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Certified Success: Guiding You Through Agriculture's New Frontiers, Microplastic-Free and Beyondqrcode

Jul. 16, 2024

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Jul. 16, 2024

Activate Ag Labs
Australia  Australia

At Activate Ag Labs, we've recognized the importance of addressing the challenges posed by the new regulations for microplastic-free seed coatings. Over the past several years, we’ve extensively researched how to meet these challenges head-on. Additionally, we’ve been committed to eliminating greenwashing in the advertising of products that claim to offer environmental benefits but may not truly deliver on those promises.

Microplastics, tiny plastic particles less than five millimetres in diameter, have become a pervasive pollutant in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Traditional seed coatings, which often include microplastics, contribute to this pollution problem. These microplastics can persist in the soil long after the seeds have germinated, accumulating and leading to long-term soil contamination. They may also be transported via waterways, further spreading environmental contamination. The accumulation of microplastics in the environment poses serious and unknown risks, which are still being investigated, this has necessitated a shift toward more sustainable alternatives.

The challenge of greenwashing undermines consumer trust and hinders genuine sustainability efforts. It is essential to ensure that products marketed as sustainable or environmentally friendly truly deliver on their promises. At Activate Ag Labs, we have diligently undertaken to ensure that our product's sustainability and environmental benefits are genuine and verifiable.

We are launching New Microplastic-Free Seed Coating Products under the Seedworx™ brand.

Talking about these issues is one thing; taking decisive action is another. Today, we are proud to announce the launch of two new microplastic-free seed-coating products. These new products maintain the high quality you have come to expect from our Seedworx™ line in the seed coating materials space.


What sets our products apart is their functionality combined with independent certification proving them to be microplastic-free. This certification from flustix means you don’t have to take our word for it—our products have been rigorously tested and verified to meet stringent standards. You get all the potential benefits of high-quality seed coatings without the risk that another supplier might, despite the best of intentions, not meet these standards.

The new regulations for microplastic-free seed coatings will come into force during October 2028. While this may seem like a distant deadline, it is crucial to start preparing now. If you’re not yet ready to make the switch, we encourage you to begin exploring our new products. Understanding their benefits and applications now will ensure a smooth transition when the regulations come into force. If you are ready to switch immediately, we invite you to contact your local distributors. We are here to facilitate the transition to a microplastic-free era and ensure you are fully prepared.

We understand that changing to new products can be daunting, which is why we’ve made the switch as easy as possible. Our new microplastic-free seed coating polymers are designed to be used as drop-in replacements in your current recipes. This means you won’t need to overhaul your existing processes or equipment—simply substitute our new products and continue with your operations as usual.

Our journey to developing these new products has been comprehensive and meticulous. We’ve rigorously tested every aspect to ensure optimal performance, including:


  • Dust-off and Abrasion Testing: Ensuring that the coatings remain intact during handling and planting, reducing waste and improving efficiency.

  • Seed Flowability: Guaranteeing that coated seeds flow smoothly through planting equipment, preventing blockages and ensuring uniform distribution.

  • Plantability: Making sure that the seeds can be planted effectively and efficiently, maximizing germination rates and crop yields.

  • Germination Under Ideal and Stress Conditions: Testing the seeds' performance in a variety of conditions to ensure reliability and resilience.

Adopting microplastic-free seed coatings offers significant benefits for both the environment and agricultural operations.

  • Reduced Soil Pollution: Our newly developed coatings, prevent long-term soil contamination and maintain soil health.

  • Enhanced Soil Health: These coatings support a healthier soil microbiome, essential for nutrient cycling and robust plant growth.

  • Waterway Protection: Eliminating microplastics from seed coatings reduces the risk of water contamination, protecting aquatic ecosystems.

  • Market Demand: As consumers become more environmentally conscious, sustainably produced food is in higher demand. Using our certified microplastic-free coatings can give you a competitive edge.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Staying ahead of regulatory changes ensures that you avoid potential fines or restrictions and demonstrate your commitment to sustainable practices.

While the benefits of microplastic-free seed coatings are clear, several challenges needed to be addressed to ensure widespread adoption. It was crucial to ensure consistent performance across different seed types and environmental conditions. To develop a scalable product, using production methods that meet the demands of large-scale agriculture. At a cost that fit the market, although long-term benefits may offset initial costs, developing cost-effective microplastic-free coatings competitive with traditional options was a significant challenge.

For the vegetable industry, we needed a product that complemented the investment in quality from seed breeders and producers, clearly indicating to growers the well-curated nature of the overall offering. The goal was to create a solution that enhanced the growers' confidence in the seeds they were planting, ensuring that the seeds' quality and potential yield were evident from the start.

To achieve this, we developed Seedworx™ Hort BSA, a microplastic-free product that uses a plant-based adhesive. This innovative approach ensures that the seed coating process adheres to the latest regulations while maintaining the high standards of appearance and performance that the horticultural market expects. The plant-based adhesive helps in the efficient planting of seeds and ensures that the necessary additives, such as nutrients and growth enhancers, are effectively applied and retained within the seed coating. This not only aids in the initial planting phase but also supports the seeds' growth and development, leading to healthier and more productive crops.


For growers of row crops, the requirements are similar but on a much larger scale. These growers need solutions that can handle higher volumes and throughputs without compromising on quality. To meet these demands, we developed Seedworx™ Dayspring, a microplastic-free product specifically designed for the rigors of row crop planting. This product provides robust protection against the abrasive processes that seeds undergo before they reach their designated fields.

Seedworx™ Dayspring ensures that the seeds coating remains intact and viable throughout the mechanical planting process, which is often harsh and demanding. The product's design implies the highest levels of quality and reliability, maintaining seed coating integrity from the point of processing through to planting. This level of protection and quality assurance is crucial for row crop growers, as good plantability directly impacts their yield and overall productivity.

By utilizing Seedworx™ Dayspring, growers can be confident that their seeds are receiving the best possible start, with their seed coating intact and any additives included being exactly where they are needed. This not only supports the initial planting but also enhances the entire supply chain, from seed production to the final harvest. The combination of Seedworx™ Hort BSA for vegetable growers and Seedworx™ Dayspring for row crop growers showcases our commitment to providing tailored, high-quality, and environmentally responsible solutions that address the specific needs of different segments within the agricultural industry. These microplastic-free products underscore our dedication to sustainability while ensuring top-tier performance and reliability for growers.

Ongoing research and innovation are vital to overcoming these challenges and unlocking the full potential of microplastic-free seed coatings. Collaborative efforts between scientists, agricultural experts, and industry stakeholders drive advancements in this field. 


This is why we are continuing to explore the potential of combining our products with a range of biostimulants. By integrating biostimulants with our microplastic-free solutions, we aim to further enhance crop growth and resilience. Biostimulants, known for their ability to improve nutrient uptake, stress tolerance, and overall plant health, can work synergistically with our products to deliver superior outcomes for growers.

Our ongoing research and development efforts focus on optimizing formulations and application techniques to ensure that the combination of our products and biostimulants maximizes benefits for various crop types. We are rigorously testing different biostimulant formulations to identify the most effective combinations that support robust plant growth, improve soil health, and increase crop yields.

We are also exploring new natural materials and combinations to create more effective and versatile seed coatings. Incorporating bioactive compounds can enhance plant resistance and improve nutrient uptake, offering additional benefits. Developing efficient application technologies is another priority, ensuring even coating distribution and adhesion. Innovations such as electrostatic spraying, improved drying technology, and precision application techniques will undoubtedly contribute to the continual improvement of natural coatings.

Conducting field trials is essential for fully evaluating the performance of microplastic-free coatings under real-world conditions, providing valuable data on germination rates, crop yields, and environmental impacts. Furthermore, government and regulatory support can facilitate the adoption of microplastic-free seed coatings. Policies that incentivize sustainable practices and fund research initiatives can accelerate progress, ensuring a more sustainable and productive future for agriculture.


Microplastic-free seed coatings represent a significant advancement in sustainable agriculture. By eliminating harmful microplastics and utilizing more sustainable materials, these coatings offer a solution that benefits both the environment and farmers. Although challenges remain, ongoing research and innovation are paving the way for broader adoption and more effective solutions.

As the agricultural industry continues to prioritize sustainability, microplastic-free seed coatings have the potential to play a crucial role in promoting healthier soils, more resilient ecosystems, and a greener future for farming. We invite you to join us on this journey toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Explore our new products, experience their benefits, and make the switch today. Together, we can achieve a cleaner, greener future for agriculture.


For more information, please contact:

Simon Watt

Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at Activate Ag Labs


This story was initially published in the 2024 Seed Treatment Special. Download the magazine to read more stories.

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