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ICAR-IISR gets Patent for Seed Coating Compositionqrcode

Apr. 29, 2021

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Apr. 29, 2021

For a Seed Coating Composition and its preparation, the ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala has received Patent (350698). The Institute has successfully developed, field-tested and commercialized the Seed Coating Technology of PGPR / beneficial microbes for seeds. The technology was developed by a team including Dr. M. Anandaraj, Dr. Y.K .Bini and Dr. A.K. Johny.

It is an application of Exogenous Materials onto the surface of seeds with the aim of improving the delivery of active compounds, viz., plant growth regulators, micronutrients and microbial inoculants which can increase the germination and plant growth. The invention using Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and its preparation help in storing the viability of seeds and also to maintain the coated organisms in a buffered state.

The process prevents the seed desiccation and ensures protection against environmental stress. It also protects the seed against storage pests which, in turn, enhances the longevity of the seeds ensuring the enhanced germination and helps the emerging seedling to establish with the help of the introduced organisms on the seeds. Due to the enhanced viability quantity of seed required is low and the enhanced primary growth results reduced weed growth.



It enhances the viability and seed quality during storage and protects seeds from storage pest incidence. Along with enhancing the seed germination and vigour, it helps to improve the yield by 15% to 30%. It is also helpful in reducing the seed rate requirement. Having the applicability to all kinds of seeds including vegetables, it can be used in organic farming also.

Technology licensing and commercialization:

The technology was also licensed by the SRT Agro Science Pvt. Ltd., Chhattisgarh in 2018 January, a Bio-fertilizer / Bio-pesticide Private Company started in the Year - 2007.

(ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, Kerala)


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