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Bayer unveils development of new herbicide at Expodireto 2025qrcode

Mar. 20, 2025

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Mar. 20, 2025

Bayer has announced to AgroPages the development of a significant addition to its herbicide portfolio. This revelation came during the Expodireto Cotrijal fair, one of Brazil's largest agribusiness events, which began this week in the city of Não-Me-Toque, in the Southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Bayer externa.jpeg

Currently undergoing federal approval and expected to be available in 2026, the new herbicide is formulated with diflufenican, a pre-emergent active ingredient. The product also includes metribuzin, marking a novel combination in Brazil.

Tiago Santos.jpegAccording to the manufacturer, the new herbicide—still without a confirmed commercial name—will offer "a broad spectrum of control, especially for goosegrass and pigweed." "Due to these mechanisms of action, this formulation (diflufenican with metribuzin), unprecedented in the country, will be crucial for resistance management," says Tiago Santos, marketing director for crop protection at Bayer's agricultural division in Brazil.

Furthermore, the executive adds that this launch is part of "one of the fastest-growing segments, which is pre-emergents. Our approach to regenerative agriculture supports farmers in adopting pre-emergent herbicides, contributing to the sustainability of soybean production."


Challenges in Southern Brazil

He notes that the climatic challenges for producers in Rio Grande do Sul this season could lead to a soybean crop loss of nearly 2 million tons compared to initial expectations, according to the National Supply Company (Conab). In this context, innovation becomes even more relevant to make crops more resilient and minimize the impact of other issues.

The focus is on understanding and meeting the needs from the field to contribute to the sector and provide technologies that optimize pest and disease management, increase productivity, and ensure crop sustainability.


"Today, we offer an increasingly robust portfolio of integrated solutions for pest and disease management, as well as weed control, with efficient phytosanitary control and intelligent rotation of active ingredients, ensuring greater sustainability in the field," says Tiago Santos.

A good example of this is the integrated management of fungicides, with eight different active ingredients from the company's portfolio, providing control for major diseases and appropriate resistance management. A major highlight at the fair, the systemic and contact fungicide and bactericide Nativo Plus is entering the Brazilian market this year.


Composed of tebuconazole, trifloxystrobin, and copper oxychloride, it should be used preventively against the onset of diseases such as Asian rust and target spot. "It will help improve disease management efficiency in soybean cultivation, acting as a tool that contributes to regenerative agriculture and sustainability in agricultural production," concludes Bayer.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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