Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Cedress and Trianum, the winning combination to control seed & soil-borne diseases in carrotsqrcode

Oct. 15, 2024

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Oct. 15, 2024

Netherlands  Netherlands

A range of seed and soil-borne diseases can infect carrot crops, such as black rot, dry rot, crater & crown rot, white mould and Acrothecium rot. Several of these diseases cause damping off the seedlings prior, or just after, seedling emergence. This leads to plant losses, reducing the yield potential of the crop.

During the growing season, the roots of the carrots can be affected by diseases like black rot, cavity spot and Fusarium dry rot, causing black lesions on the carrots. Also, Sclerotinia white mould can infect the crop, giving white cottony fungal growth on the roots. This leads to further plant losses, and a reduction in marketable yield.

When carrots are stored during winter, diseases on the carrot roots can continue to develop during storage, whether the carrots are left in the field or stored in a warehouse. One of the dominant diseases developing during storage in Northern Europe is Acrothecium rot. Acrothecium rot causes irregularly shaped, brown to dark lesions on the carrot roots. These symptoms are similar to other diseases occurring in carrot, such as Black rot. These storage diseases can further reduce the marketable yield.


Effective control of soil-borne diseases


Koppert offers two products to control seed and soil-borne diseases in carrots: Cedress and Trianum. These two biological plant protection products together offer complete protection against a wide variety of diseases and work complementary to each other. Trianum is effective against a wide range of soil-borne diseases, like cavity spot, Pythium dieback, crater rot, Sclerotinia white mould and Fusarium dry rot. Cedress is effective against various seed and soil-borne diseases, like Acrothecium rot, Fusarium dry rot, black rot and gray mold.

Protection throughout the crop cycle 

Both products have proven to be very effective against this range of diseases in multiple years of trials all over the world. Due to the ability of the Trianum fungus to grow rapidly, and its versatility to grow under a wide range of abiotic factors, Trianum offers a protection directly from the beginning of the crop cycle. Trianum reduces plant losses through damping off, increasing plant numbers and potential yield.

Furthermore, Trianum also offers long term protection during the growing season, and even provides protection during the storage period afterwards.

Cedress, complementing the work of Trianum, is already effective at 4°C, and effectively controls a wide range of seed and soil-borne diseases. Cedress provides both immediate protection on the seeds once treated, and combines this with long-term protection of the carrot root during the growing season. Trial results in carrots show the positive effects of both Trianum and Cedress. Multiple trials in various countries have proven the positive effects on seedling emergence, crop growth and marketable yield.

Easy to use


Cedress is a ready-to-use Suspension Concentrate seed treatment. Cedress can be applied with regular seed treatment equipment suitable for liquid treatments. Trianum is available in two formulations. As Trianum-G, a granule formulation which can be applied in the planting bed during sowing, or as broad acre application just prior to sowing. The product is also available as Trianum-P, a wettable granule formulation which can be applied as in-furrow spray, soil spray application, or via overhead- or drip irrigation. Trial results in carrots show the positive effects of Trianum. It showed faster seedling emergence, a 27% increase in seedling emergence on average, improved crop growth and vigour, and more uniform crop growth. It also showed an 8% increase in marketable yield after storage when Trianum was used. In addition, Cedress has proven to also improve seedling emergence and survival, protect the carrot root against various seed and soil borne diseases, increasing the marketable yield on carrots with 13% on average.

Effective biocontrol with Trianum and Cedress for the complete carrot lifecycle, that is what is means to be in control with Koppert.

Source: Koppert


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