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What new products and innovations are shaping the landscape of seed treatment?qrcode

Jul. 11, 2024

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Jul. 11, 2024
Christina Xie

Christina Xie

Co-partner & Editor in chief


In the ever-evolving landscape of modern agriculture, seed treatments have emerged as a critical component in the quest for sustainable, efficient, and productive farming practices. As we delve into the recent developments in this field, it becomes clear that the seed treatment industry is not just growing; it's transforming the very foundations of how we approach crop protection and enhancement.

The Changing Face of Seed Protection

Traditionally, seed treatments were primarily focused on protecting seeds from soil-borne pathogens and early-season pests. However, the industry has undergone a paradigm shift in recent years. Today's seed treatments are multifaceted solutions that not only safeguard seeds but also enhance plant vigor, improve nutrient uptake, and even contribute to overall soil health.

This evolution is driven by several factors: increasing global food demand; climate change challenges, regulatory pressures to reduce chemical inputs, advancements in biotechnology and microbiology, growing awareness of sustainable farming practices.

As a result, we're seeing a surge in innovative products that go beyond mere protection to offer holistic solutions for crop management.


The Rise of Biologicals in Seed Treatments

One of the most significant trends in the seed treatment industry is the increasing adoption of biological solutions. Companies like Lavie Bio, Locus Agriculture, and Andermatt are at the forefront of this movement, developing bio-inoculants and microbial treatments that harness the power of beneficial organisms.

For instance, Lavie Bio's Thrivus™, a bio-inoculant seed treatment for wheat, exemplifies this trend. By increasing the availability and efficiency of soil nutrients while mitigating environmental stresses, Thrivus™ not only enhances crop yield but also contributes to more sustainable farming practices.

Similarly, Locus Agriculture's expansion of its Rhizolizer® Duo product line with six new biological treatments for various crops showcases the versatility and potential of microbial solutions. These products not only protect seeds but also promote early growth, enhance nutrient use efficiency, and even contribute to carbon sequestration.

The integration of biologicals into seed treatments represents a significant step towards more environmentally friendly agriculture. It allows farmers to reduce their reliance on synthetic chemicals while still maintaining or even improving crop productivity.

Multifunctional Formulations

Another notable trend is the development of multifunctional seed treatments that combine various modes of action. Products like Syngenta's Vibrance Total and Corteva's LumiTreo™ exemplify this approach.

Vibrance Total, for instance, incorporates five modes of action, including a novel active ingredient, picarbutrazox, to provide broad-spectrum disease control in pulse crops. This comprehensive protection against various pathogens, including difficult-to-control Pythium species, demonstrates the industry's move towards more robust and versatile solutions.

Similarly, LumiTreo™ combines three fungicidal active ingredients to offer protection against key early-season diseases in soybeans. When paired with an insecticide, it provides a comprehensive seed protection package, showcasing the industry's focus on creating synergistic solutions that address multiple crop threats simultaneously.

This trend towards multifunctional formulations reflects the industry's recognition of the complex challenges farmers face. By offering products that can tackle various issues with a single application, seed treatment companies are helping to streamline farm operations and improve overall crop management efficiency.


Precision and Customization: Tailoring Treatments to Specific Needs

The seed treatment industry is increasingly moving towards more precise and customized solutions. This trend is evident in products like BASF's Poncho® Votivo® Precise, which combines a biological component with an insecticide to create a living barrier that grows with the plant's root system.

This level of precision in seed treatments allows for more targeted protection against specific pests and pathogens. It also enables farmers to tailor their seed treatments to the particular challenges of their region or farming system.

Moreover, companies are developing seed treatments that can be easily integrated into existing farm management practices. For example, Syngenta's RIZOLIQ® UHC, a long-life liquid inoculant for soybeans, offers a pre-inoculation window of up to 90 days. This flexibility allows for better integration with industrial seed treatment processes and provides more convenience for farmers.

The move towards precision and customization in seed treatments reflects a broader trend in agriculture towards more data-driven and tailored farming practices. As our understanding of plant-microbe interactions and local ecosystem dynamics improves, we can expect to see even more specialized seed treatment solutions in the future.

Enhancing Crop Resilience: Beyond Pest Control

While protection against pests and diseases remains a core function of seed treatments, there's a growing focus on enhancing overall crop resilience. This is particularly important in the face of climate change and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns.

Products like Yara's YaraVita® N-RHIZO and BIOTRAC exemplify this trend. These biostimulants go beyond traditional seed treatment functions to improve plant vigor, stress tolerance, and nutrient use efficiency. By enhancing the plant's natural resilience, these products help crops withstand challenging environmental conditions and maintain productivity.

RhizoVital C5, a biostimulant based inoculant developed by Andermatt Group, can stimulate root growth and mobilizes nutrients in the soil, and support the availability of plant nutrients which leads to an increased in yield. Tolerance towards abiotic stress caused by unfavorable climatic conditions and field management can be improved. In both small and large plot trials it was demonstrated that plants were more resilient to abiotic stress when treated with RhizoVital C5. 

The emphasis on crop resilience in seed treatments represents a more holistic approach to crop management. It recognizes that protecting seeds is just the first step; empowering plants to thrive in challenging conditions is equally crucial for sustainable agriculture.


The Role of Technology in Advancing Seed Treatments

The rapid advancement of seed treatment technologies is underpinned by significant investments in research and development. Companies are leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced analytics to develop more effective and sustainable seed treatments.

For example, Lavie Bio's use of machine learning and AI in its BDD (Biology Driven Design) platform, based on Evogene's MicroBoost AI tech engine, allows for a more sophisticated approach to developing bio-inoculants and bio-pesticides. This technology-driven approach enables the creation of products with solid performance, reduced development costs, and shorter time to market.


Similarly, advancements in seed coating technologies, such as Milliken's Milli Solum and Milli Fusion, demonstrate how technology is improving not just the active ingredients in seed treatments but also their application and performance. These innovations ensure better adherence of treatments to seeds, reduce dust-off during planting, and improve overall seed handling and planting efficiency.

Sowing the Seeds of Sustainable Agriculture

The seed treatment industry stands at the forefront of agricultural innovation, playing a crucial role in shaping the future of farming. As we move forward, the focus will likely continue to shift towards more sustainable, biological, and technologically advanced solutions.

The increasing focus on sustainable agriculture opens doors for new, environmentally friendly seed treatment solutions. The growing understanding of plant-microbe interactions and soil health provides avenues for developing more sophisticated and effective treatments.

Moreover, the integration of seed treatments with precision agriculture technologies offers exciting possibilities for more targeted and efficient use of these products. We can envision a future where seed treatments are customized not just for specific crops or regions, but for individual fields based on soil composition, microbiome analysis, and predicted weather patterns.

The trends we see today – the rise of biologicals, multifunctional formulations, precision treatments, and a focus on crop resilience – are laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and productive agricultural future. By protecting and enhancing seeds, these innovations are not just improving crop yields; they're cultivating a more resilient and sustainable global food system.

As we face the challenges of feeding a growing global population in an era of climate uncertainty, the continued evolution of seed treatments will be crucial. By fostering innovation and embracing sustainable practices, the seed treatment industry is sowing the seeds of a more food-secure and environmentally friendly future.


This story was initially published in the 2024 Seed Treatment Special. Download the magazine to read more stories.

Please contact Christina Xie at christina@agropages.com if you would like to share your company story or advertising with AgroPages.



Source: AgroNews


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