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Sell Agro presents multifunctional adjuvants in Brazilqrcode

Jun. 25, 2024

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Jun. 25, 2024

Sell Agro
Brazil  Brazil

Sell Agro introduced its "multifunctional adjuvants" technologies to the Brazilian market during the Bahia Farm Show. 

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According to the manufacturer, their participation aimed to "increase brand recognition and present key products" such as ARES 4.0 and OPHION 4.0. Sell Agro claimed that its technologies "helped the agricultural sector improve efficiency and sustainability in applications."

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ARES 4.0 and OPHION 4.0

The company explained that ARES 4.0, is a "revolutionary adjuvant solution designed to optimize the application of fungicides and insecticides."

"This product significantly improved foliar coverage, increased penetration into waxy layers, and reduced drift during spraying," they stated. Additionally, they said it reduced evaporation even under unfavorable conditions, such as high temperatures and low humidity.

"In the preparation of the spray solution, ARES 4.0 sequesters cations like Iron and Calcium, eliminating issues related to water hardness," they pointed out. "ARES 4.0 worked in mixtures where foam formation occurred, reducing or even eliminating the problem, ensuring operational control and preventing the loss of active ingredients and mixing time," the manufacturer detailed.

According to them, the phosphorus compounds in the ARES 4.0 formulation activated the plant's natural defense system, enhancing the action of applied fungicides and insecticides.

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OPHION 4.0, in turn, is "specially formulated to increase herbicide efficacy," according to the manufacturer. This technology reduced droplet evaporation and improved plant adhesion, resulting in more efficient weed control and more rational use of chemicals.

"The nitrogen compounds in its formulation increased plant metabolism, enhancing the applied herbicides, standardizing, and reducing the time needed for plant desiccation," Sell Agro pointed out.


Producers in MATOPIBA, a region comprising the Brazilian states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia, faced unique agricultural challenges due to the vastness and fertility of their lands. With 80% of grain production, 90% of cotton production, and many farms using advanced irrigation, the region stood out in productivity and export potential. Crops include soybeans, cotton, and corn, and introducing cutting-edge technologies could significantly increase efficiency and sustainability in these states.

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Leandro Viegas, CEO of Sell Agro

According to Leandro Viegas, CEO of Sell Agro, farmers in MATOPIBA needed solutions that increased productivity while preserving the environment. "Our technologies are developed with durability, efficiency, and reduced environmental impact in mind, aligned with the needs of the region's farmers," he noted.

The Bahia Farm Show is one of the region's largest agribusiness events, one of the country's leaders in business volume. "Participating in the Bahia Farm Show was crucial for us as it allowed us to connect directly with the producers at the forefront of Brazilian agriculture. We demonstrated how the company's technological solutions could make a difference in the field," Viegas said in conclusion.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

To know more fomulation and adjuvant technologies, please click the following picture to read / download AgroPages' magazine <<2024 Formulation&Adjuvant Technology>>.

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Source: AgroNews


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