Aug. 21, 2023
Built on over three decades of product development, DPH Biologicals offers a platform of science-proven and field-verified biofertility and biocontrol solutions formulated to integrate easily and effectively into commercial-scale row and specialty crop production practices.
Adhering to a ″better together″ philosophy, DPH Biologicals’ technology unlocks new, natural solutions to the common crop protection, fertility and residue management challenges while working in sync with traditional production practices, including synthetic fertilizers and crop protection products.
In this interview, Mick Messman, President and CEO at DPH Biologicals, told us about their core technologies, products and the value DPH Biologicals delivers to today’s high-yield, modern-day grower.
Could you please tell us some milestones in DPH Biologicals’ history?
DPH Biologicals is a United States-based biologicals company with a commitment to develop and scale high-quality, science backed, and field-tested biologicals for agricultural production.
The company was created in 2018 by parent company Douglas Products when they acquired and integrated complementary, biological technologies as well as production and R&D facilities under one company umbrella. Following a reorganization in 2021, including a new executive team, the company was renamed DPH Biologicals highlighting its emphasis on biological technologies.
What are the core technologies developed by DPH Biologicals?
After two years of developmental work, DPH Biologicals introduced RegenAphex in early 2022. RegenAphex is a new technology platform based on the regenerative power of a proprietary plant-based humus extract produced at the company’s Princeton, IL site, the largest 100% plant-based composting facility in the United States. RegenAphex’ humus extract formulation is similar but superior to humic acid, a well-known soil amendment. RegenAphex is a clean, light brown water extract of a renewable plant-based humified compost that delivers a consortium of micro-organisms that increase the microbial diversity in the soil. Additionally, it is a super food for the microbial community delivering 30 ppm of organic carbon readily available to support microbial life and plant growth.
RegenAphex is the chassis for the company’s flagship biofertilizer, TerraTrove SP-1 Classic and will serve as a foundation for novel solutions, revolutionizing how growers manage fertility and plant health while providing an environmentally friendly, domestically produced solution. Additionally, DPH Biologicals is collaborating with third parties to make RegenAphex available as a platform to enhance the performance of other microbial products in the market.
In addition to its biofertilizer SP-1 Classic, DPH Biologicals plays an active role in the biocontrol and biodigester segments through BellaTrove Companion Maxx and TerraTrove Residuce Complete.
DPH Bio’s three lead technologies are:
Terra Trove™ SP-1 Classic™, the complete biofertilizer: Powered by a unique plant-based humus extract called RegenAphex, SP-1 is comprised of a diverse mix of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and living algae which when paired together make SP-1 Classic the most complete biofertilizer on the market. When soil-applied, SP-1 Classic rapidly improves soil health and unlocks nutrients. Growers have reliably replaced up to 50% of starter fertilizer in a spring in-furrow fertility regime with no yield loss or boosted yields when SP-1 Classic was added to a full-fertility program. Used in a foliar application, SP-1 Classic acts as a biostimulant, helping plants combat weather-related stress like drought or extreme temperatures, improving plant water-use efficiency and focusing plant energy on growth. SP-1 Classic is OMRI-listed for use in organic production.
14 days after planting - Nebraska
BellaTrove™ Companion® Maxx, a broad spectrum biofungicide: Companion Maxx helps plants directly fight off pathogens while also activating the plant’s own immune response system and stimulating plant growth and stress resistance. Companion Maxx technology is available as a wettable powder — Companion Maxx WP for foliar and soil applications; and in a newly-released seed treatment formulation — Companion Maxx ST. Companion Maxx formulations are EPA-registered, OMRI-listed and compatible with many other chemical pesticides and plant nutrition products.
Terra Trove Residuce®, a biodigester for residue management and soil fertility: Residuce unlocks a unique pathway to increased soil fertility and improved field management by rapidly breaking down postharvest crop residue. Residuce can be used in fall, spring or even mid-summer applications between double- cropped plantings. Residuce WS is made up of a blend of naturally occurring, nutrient-cycling fungal and bacterial microorganisms that rapidly decompose tough, fibrous plant material like corn stalks into soil carbon, improving soil organic matter and minimizing stubble resulting in increased field plantability. By capturing, recycling and repurposing crop stubble, growers can reduce their need for key nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Residuce WS is available in a shelf stable dry formulation but easily mixes for liquid application. Residuce WS is OMRI-listed for organic production. Residuce is also available in a liquid formulation in Residuce Complete.
What makes DPH Biologicals’ flagship biofertilizer product unique?
SP-1 Classic is the only commercially available biofertilizer developed using RegenAphex™, a regeneratively-produced, proprietary plant-based humus extract produced in DPH Biologicals’ Illinois-based production facility.
In addition, SP-1 Classic offers growers flexibility on how and when the product is applied whether that be in-furrow, broadcast, foliar, fertigation or aerial.
DPH Biologicals just launched a biofungicide seed treatment, BellaTrove™ Companion Maxx ST. Can you tell us its mode of action, advantages and market potential?
According to market reports, the global biological seed treatment market was worth $1.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at 12.4% CAGR between 2023 and 2030, driven by consumer demands for chemical-free crops and more sustainably-grown foods.
Seed treatments have become a trusted and convenient way to deliver effective crop protection products which offer flexibility in application and are broadly compatible with other crop protection and nutrition products. Companion Maxx ST addresses more than three-dozen common soil-borne diseases including damping-off fungus and seedling blights while also supporting root growth and improved nutrient uptake.
Companion Maxx ST is derived from DPH Biologicals’ proprietary strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain, proven for ability to disrupt pathogen cell-wall formulation and the rapid colonization of emerging seedlings root hairs and leaves. B. amyloliquefaciens prevents the attack of soilborne and foliar pathogens and also stimulates phytohormones which trigger plants’ natural systemic response to disease.
BellaTrove Companion Maxx ST can be applied in combination with chemistry to produce superior results. Since microbes might be vulnerable to chemicals, what would you recommend to the growers to ensure the best performance of the combination?
Companion Maxx ST has been specially formulated to easily mix with crop nutrient and protection products while retaining the efficacy of live microbes, giving growers access to the benefits of biological without requiring them to change their practices or use special techniques.
Additionally, Companion Maxx ST is specifically recommended for Integrated Pest (Disease) Management protocols. Combining or rotating Companion Maxx ST with traditional chemical fungicides produces even superior results while simultaneously reducing the pesticidal resistance that can be seen with commonly-used chemical fungicides. Companion Maxx ST easily mixes with crop nutrient and protection products and can be applied via a slurry, planter box or a hopper box.
Where do you sell your products? Do you plan to enter new markets?
DPH Biologicals sells their products via a network of agricultural retailers and distributors in the US and select international markets. DPH Biologicals has active development projects in Brazil and Mexico. For more information go to, call 1(800) 648-7626 or email
This interview was originally published in the magazine 2023 Biologicals Special.
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