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Largest Brazilian trading company, AMAGGI launches e-commerce of inputsqrcode

Aug. 10, 2023

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Aug. 10, 2023

Brazil  Brazil

1686690586931.jpegThe Brazilian multinational AMAGGI announced to AgroPages the launch of its e-commerce platform, Amaggi On.

The platform offers a portfolio of pesticides, fertilizers, and soybean and corn seeds.

″Especially with the pandemic, digitization was something that came to stay. We now have another channel to access our products, Amaggi On. But without giving up the essence of AMAGGI, which is direct contact with the producer. The company started like this and will continue like this,″ said Gunnar Nebelung, director of AMAGGI Commodities.

Marcelo Machado, Director of Origination at AMAGGI, explained that the idea of creating Amaggi On came up three years ago and considered all the challenges to implementing e-commerce, such as sustainability and delivery logistics.

″Several AMAGGI teams were directly involved in this project for a year and a half to put the platform on the air. The idea is to do what we already do with quality, seriousness, and credibility in the analog environment, but also in the digital one,″ he said.

The construction of the platform had the involvement of more than 12 areas within AMAGGI. Operations will be focused, in the beginning, on the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Rondônia, but the idea is to expand to the South and Southeast regions of Brazil.


The Director of Innovation, Vinicius Moreira, emphasized that AMAGGI understands the needs of the field like no one else.

″We are rural producers and have been working with rural producers for over 45 years. We are aware of the challenges, and technology comes as a great ally to assist in decision-making and day-to-day operations.″

A more recent survey by the Associação Brasileira de Marketing Rural (ABMRA) on the habits of Brazilian rural producers shows that 25% of those interviewed bought a product over the Internet for their property. And 30% said they intended to buy.


AL5 Bank, AMAGGI's financial arm, is the means of payment within Amaggi On, and which will soon make operations available via barter and financing.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)


[ Survey ]

How much inventory do you still have?

 Soaring or falling prices of bulk agri-inputs in the short term is not conducive to ensuring the stability of agricultural production, AgroPages hopes to use our media features to help the industry correct prices and keep them as reasonable as possible.
"Inventory" is undoubtedly one of the key factors affecting the market trend price fluctuations this year, and the speed of inventory reduction will also affect the market trend in the second half of the year and maybe next year, so we launched this "inventory survey" with the intention of assisting the industry to make a clearer situation judgment in the critical period of this 2 months. Readers who participate in this survey and carefully answer all questions, we will send you the final research results (without company or personal information).
  1. 1. Please let us know your position in the agrochemical industry
    • Manufacturer
    • Trading company
    • Wholesaler
    • Distributor
    • E-commerce
    • Retailer
    • Farmer
    • Other (Please specify)

  2. 2. What is your main product category?
    • Herbicide
    • Fungicide
    • Insecticide
    • Fertilizer
    • Biosolution
    • Other (Please specify)

  3. 3. Could you introduce your inventory rate?
    • Inventory has been emptied
    • 10%
    • 20%
    • 40%
    • 100%
    • 140%
    • Other(please specify)

  4. 4. What was the safety inventory ratio for the same period in previous years?
  5. 5. What products do you have in large stock?
    • Glyphosate
    • Diquat
    • Imidacloprid
    • Abamectin
    • Chlorothalonil
    • Azoxystrobin
    • Other(please specify)

  6. 6. Which products will you prioritize in initiating procurement? Approximately when it will happen?
  7. 7. Is there currently a shortage of supply for any products? Please list product names.
  8. 8. Please submit the contact informaiton
    Your Name:
Source: AgroNews


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