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Limagrain UK added two sugar beet varieties to the BBRO 2023 Recommended Listqrcode

Apr. 21, 2022

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Apr. 21, 2022

Limagrain UK Ltd
United Kingdom  United Kingdom

Limagrain UK added two sugar beet varieties to the BBRO 2023 Recommended List

Limagrain UK has added two exciting sugar beet varieties to the BBRO 2023 Recommended List. These two very different varieties reflect the breadth of the Betaseed breeding approach of producing varieties that today’s growers are looking for, offering good security for on-farm performance.

BTS 3610 offers one of the best all round packages for delivering on-farm performance through a combination of a competitive yield, a high sugar content and good disease resistance.

BTS SMART 9485 is the highest yielding ALS herbicide resistant variety – a step up over current ALS genetics.

“Whilst BTS 3610 sits in the pack for top yielders at 101.6% (adjusted tonnes %), and has one of the highest sugar contents of 17.3%, this variety is about more than just yields,” says Ron Granger, arable technical manager for Limagrain UK.

“We know that growers are increasingly looking for on-farm security in the varieties they choose to grow, and to offer this a variety must have the right combination of agronomics and a robust disease resistance profile.”

With BTS 3610, this is exactly what is on offer; BTS 3610 has a very good disease resistance package with a rating of 5.9 for rust, 5.3 for powdery mildew and a 6.6 for Cercospora.”

“This robust disease resistance package is backed up by its high untreated yield of 101.2% in trials – demonstrating breeders focus on producing more resilient varieties for the market place.”

BTS 3610 has a flexible drilling window, suitable for both the earlier and normal drilling dates and is Rhizomania tolerant.

In summary, BTS 3610 is a desirable all-round performer, says Mr Granger. “A high yielding and high sugar producing variety combined with favourable agronomic characteristics, such as low bolting and good disease resistance.”

QQ截图20220421095503.jpgBTS Smart 9485 is Betaseed’s first Smart herbicide resistant variety and is the highest yielding variety in this specialist category.

“Its yields of 96% are very encouraging for an ALS resistant variety where there has been a bit of yield lag to date, and reflects an improvement over current ALS genetics, which will be welcome news for growers in this category,” says Mr Granger.

“It has solid on-farm characteristics with good bolting resistance. When sown in the early drilled slot before 5th March, it has 2,327 bolters and 0 in the normal sowing slot.”

“BTS Smart 9485 also offers a good disease resistance profile with a 4.9 for rust, 5.9 for powdery mildew and 6 for Cercospora. Again, an improvement over previous varieties that were on the List last season in this category,” he says.

In summary, BTS Smart 9485 raises the yield performance of ALS herbicide resistant varieties, along with the desirable characters of low bolting and good disease resistance.

Highest yields for third year running

The highest yielding variety on the Recommended List, BTS 1915 keeps its lead for the third year running at 107.1%.

“BTS 1915 is once again showing its ability to hold onto its exceptional yields across a range of locations and situations.”

“The consistency of performance of BTS 1915 over 5 years is quite remarkable, and should give growers the reassurance that they are looking for when considering what variety to grow this year.”

“This significant yield advantage over any other variety on the RL – and also as the highest yielding variety in untreated trials at 106.5%, really proves the quality of the genetics behind the variety,” says Mr Granger.

BTS 1915 is not just about high yields however, he continues. “We recognise that varieties also need to establish well, have good bolting tolerance and robust disease resistance to succeed.”

BTS 1915 does have a good disease resistance profile but is not a variety to be considered for the early drilling situation as indicated by the red X (unsuitable for sowing before mid March), points out Mr Granger.

“We recommend the variety for the normal to late sowing period – mid March onwards, which for the majority of growers is the mean average drilling date on farm. ”

Betaseed Sugar Beet Portfolio

Bred by Betaseed, the Limagrain UK portfolio offers varieties to suit a range of situations and requirements:

• BTS 1915 – The highest yielding variety available
• Suitable for sowing Mid March onwards
• Good disease resistance

• BTS 3020 – The lowest bolting variety available
• Suitable for growers targeting the earlier drilling situation
• Offering security from high sugar content and very good disease resistance
• Suitable for late lifting

• BTS 5770 – Security in disease resistance
• Suitable for early and Normal drilling dates
• High sugar content with excellent disease resistance profile
• Suitable for late lifting

• BTS 3610 – Desirable all-round performer
• Higher yield performance combined with the desirable agronomic characters of low bolting and good disease resistance

• BTS SMART 9485 – The best ALS herbicide package
• Raising yield performance combined with the desirable agronomic characters of low bolting and good disease resistance

Source: Limagrain UK


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