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Syngenta Canada enters biological control market with new corn and soybean seed treatmentqrcode

May. 3, 2021

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May. 3, 2021


•    Draco™ offers partial suppression of seed rot and seedling blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani and root knot nematode in corn and soybeans, plus soybean cyst nematode in soybeans
•    Provides an additional mode of action against target pests
•    Available on seed for the 2022 growing season

Syngenta Canada Inc. adds a new biological control product to their portfolio with the introduction of Draco™ seed treatment for partial suppression of key diseases and nematodes at the critical early stages of corn and soybean germination and seedling growth.

Draco features the bacteria Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis. In corn and soybeans, it provides partial suppression of seed rot and seedling blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani and root knot nematode. In soybeans, Draco also offers partial suppression of soybean cyst nematode.

“Syngenta is very excited to bring this new biological technology to the seed treatment market,” says Scott Ewert, head of Seedcare with Syngenta Canada. “We have a long history of providing innovative solutions to our growers and seed company partners. Draco builds on this legacy, offering additional protection for corn and soybean growers at a crucial stage in their crop’s growth cycle.”

Draco is an additional tool to be used as part of an integrated approach to improve plant stand and yield potential. It complements existing genetics and seed treatments in the market, providing a biological bacteria package for an additional mode of action against target pests.

Syngenta has partnered with a number of seed companies to plant demonstration plots this spring, ahead of making Draco commercially available for the 2022 growing season.

“Draco is an example of our commitment to expand the biological control products available to growers as an option to help manage their pest control challenges,” Ewert says.

He encourages growers to talk to their local seed supplier for more information about where they can see Draco in action this season, and how to get it on their seed in 2022.

For more information about Draco seed treatment, visit this page or contact Joe Vink, Seedcare account manager at (519) 820-8894.


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