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PAN party wants to increase taxes on agrochemicals to 23% in Portugalqrcode

Feb. 7, 2020

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Feb. 7, 2020
By Leonardo Gottems, Reporter for AgroPages

The Portuguese party, PAN (People-Animals-Nature), submitted several proposals for changes to the State Budget for 2020 (OE2020). Among the proposals is a request to increase VAT (Value Added Tax) from the current 6% on agrochemicals to 13% in 2020, and then to a further 23%.

According to statement from the party, this measure aims to encourage agricultural practice in a biological way, with all the consequences resulting from it, such as the reduction of water, air and soil pollution levels caused by pesticides and fertilizers, contributing to the protection of resources and increasing the quality of agricultural products.

On the other hand, the party advocates reducing VAT on organic fertilizers. PAN also asked for a change in the collection of taxes on expenses for animal medicines. It also proposed a reduction in VAT from 23% to 6% on medical-veterinary expenses and an investment of five million Euros in official animal collection centers (CROA), which care for abandoned animals.

These measures are part of a package of over 150 proposed amendments that PAN will deliver in the coming weeks targeting diverse areas, such as the environment, agriculture, health, education, housing and social and fiscal justice.

“The current model of agricultural production is based on intensive farming methods dependent on fertilizers, pesticides and unsustainable amounts of water, with extremely negative effects on the environment and human health. This type of cultivation is dependent on irrigation and applied pesticides, demonstrating a decrease in crop resilience to infestations and a lesser capacity to adapt to climate change, therefore, compromising our food sovereignty,” stated the party's plan.

“The adoption of policies to encourage irrigated monocultures have contributed to the contamination and desertification of soils, the pollution of water resources, the reduction of biodiversity and the emission of greenhouse gases. It is essential that there is a real transition from conventional agriculture to more sustainable and organic agriculture, strengthening the fight against climate change and increasing the protection of the environment and biodiversity,” PAN concluded.
Source: AgroNews


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