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Dow AgroSciences U.S. Patent Application for New Class of Herbicide Tolerant Traits Allowedqrcode

Nov. 4, 2010

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Nov. 4, 2010

Dow AgroSciences announced Tuesday the allowance of its U.S. patent application for crop plants that contain one of Dow AgroSciences new class of herbicide tolerant traits. The trait, which has shown exceptional promise for use in corn and other monocots, conveys robust tolerance to broadleaf and grass herbicides, including 2,4-D and the FOP family of herbicides.

Dow AgroSciences was previously granted patents for crops containing this herbicide tolerant trait in New Zealand and South Africa. In addition, Dow AgroSciences has filed for broad patent protection in major crop growing countries around the world. Its patent filings are expected to provide proprietary protection for plants containing the trait, methods for controlling glyphosate resistant weeds, and uses of the trait in combination with 2,4-D, the FOP family of herbicides, and other broad spectrum and selective herbicides.

"The continual expansion of our IP portfolio will help ensure Dow AgroSciences has a leading position in herbicide tolerance in key crops," said Tony Klemm, Dow AgroSciences Global Business Leader. "Our technology platform will include new herbicide products for use over-the-top of crops containing Dow AgroSciences traits, providing new tools for the control of glyphosate resistant and difficult to control weeds."

Pending regulatory approval in key countries and leading with the U.S. patent approval, Dow AgroSciences expects to introduce this technology system in corn as early as 2012 with other Dow AgroSciences herbicide tolerant traits in soybeans and cotton to follow.


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