Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

LEILI leads registrant of sargassum enzymatic extract(Algal bio-stimulants)in EU REACH certification.qrcode

−− Farmers in EU countries are rushing to get their hands on LELI Alga600

Feb. 28, 2019

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Feb. 28, 2019

LEILI leads registrant of sargassum enzymatic extract(Algal bio-stimulants)in EU REACH certification.

On 21st February, after seven years of innovative research and two years of process, LEILI, the only Chinese company, and as lead registrant, completed formal registration of sargassum enzymatic extract according to EU REACH regulations. Meanwhile, 13 substances such as enzymatic hydrolysates of sargassum, sargassum and 15 brand preparation products such as Alga600, LEILI2000, AlgaSoil, Alga300, Algreen and Seamino, etc. are registered and accredited.

REACH is a harmonized chemical management system created by the European Union that enables companies to follow the same principles to produce safer chemicals and to stimulate beneficial competition and development. Its chemical safety assessments with advanced-technology, which includes human health, physical and chemical, environmental hazards, PBT, vPvB assessment, etc.


Leili shared and exchanged the balanced farming technology achievements based on Leili algal bio-stimulants on the European Leili Balanced Agriculture Forum.

Leili is the pioneer of Chinese algal bio-stimulants and seaweed fertilizer industry. It has been recognized by the authority, the lead registration of REACH, from technical level and employment background to export quantity. After many rounds of rigorous evaluation, Leili, the only Chinese company, is the lead registrant of sargassum enzymatic extract and the first registrant the enzymatic hydrolysis process, filling the gap in this field. It indicates that the Leili’s core technology and innovative products of the algal bio-stimulants have achieved access to the high standard EU countries. Leili will expand its influence in the Euro-market. The core system of Leili balanced farming technology will bring Chinese plan for the sustainable development of world agriculture.


A laughing Romanian farmer who bought LEILI2000

Italian tomato garden using Leili solutions

Leili has been exploring the European market for the year 2000. Currently, more than 20 algal bio-stimulants are available for wheat, rape, sunflower, tomato and other crops in 13 European countries, including Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Italy. After using leili solution, the yield of wheat in Romania increased by 20-28% and protein in wheat increased by 15%-21% while leili products also effectively helping crops resistance to drought. For fruits and vegetables of high economic value, the solution represented by Leili Alga600+ has been widely accepted by partners with the advantages of high quality and high efficiency.


Leili Alga600 Solution for Horticultural Crops in Netherland

Jie Tang, the president of Beijing Leili Group, said: “The European agricultural market is very developed. The acquisition of Reach registration has made us more comfortable in the European market. We will continue to provide the combo products, solutions and services based on customers’ needs. Continuously exploring the potential of the algal bio-stimulants market, upgrading to be the crop service provider with our partners.

If any inquiry please contact overseas@leili.comintl@leili.com .

Source: AgroNews


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