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CHS to build dry fertilizer facility in North Dakotaqrcode

Jan. 30, 2019

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Jan. 30, 2019

CHS Inc.
United States  United States

CHS plans to build a new 24,000-ton dry fertilizer facility at its Langdon, N.D, location.
The new facility will include two 16-ton blenders, five big bins and four micro-bins, and will provide 1,200 per ton per hour unloading. It will have access to BNSF via the existing CHS loop track at Langdon, CHS announced.
Construction is expected to begin as soon as spring conditions allow.
"This investment on behalf of our farmer-owners helps ensure we continue to drive CHS value for them and their farms," Mark Greicar, CHS general manager, said in a written statement. "We're proud to be able to grow our operations to meet our patrons' growing needs."
The new facility will broaden supply and services to farmers in North Dakota's Cavalier County, providing "much-needed speed and space to meet growing demand," according to CHS.
Langdon, population about 1,800, is the county seat of Cavalier County and near the Canadian border. Farmers in the county grow many different crops, most notably canola.
CHS said its ag retail business based out of Devils Lake, N.D., serves the agronomy, energy and grain needs of farmers and other customers in northeastern North Dakota from locations in 11 communities.
CHS, one of the world's best-known ag companies, is diversified in energy, grain and food.
"This investment on behalf of our farmer-owners helps ensure we continue to drive value for them and their farms," said Mark Greicar, CHS general manager. "We're proud to be able to grow our operations to meet our patrons' growing needs."
CHS expects to break ground as soon as weather permits this spring.
Source: CHS


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