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IHARA joins group of "citrus-friendly companies"qrcode

Nov. 22, 2018

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Nov. 22, 2018

IHARA joins group of

IHARA, which has been developing crop protection solutions for farmers in Brazil for more than 50 years, is the newest "citrus-friendly" company to become part of a group created by Fundecitrus that brings together companies that support pest and disease management actions and information from citrus growers. Syngenta, Bayer CropScience, FMC and Koppert are also the members of the group.
The objective of the partnership is to increase and share knowledge related to citriculture, as well as to promote joint actions, focusing on the Phytosanitary Alert of Fundecitrus, a free tool for citrus growers to assist in the regional management of greening. The system organizes information about Diaphorina citri population, along with the presence of sprouts in the properties and in monitored regions, allowing producers to identify places and critical moments of insect occurrences and to take more precise decisions for the joint control of regional insects.
"The partnership with Fundecitrus is one of the important initiatives for IHARA, to be closer to the citrus grower. We will carry out joint actions to bring more technical and practical information to contribute to the sanity, control and productivity of orchards, in addition to bringing new IHARA solutions to improve the management of psyllids and other pests and diseases of citrus, says Gustavo Canato, Regional Marketing Manager of the company.
Source: IHARA


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