Sulphur Mills Ltd (SML) has been known to pioneer in formulation R & D and one of the leading agrochemical companies offering range of crop nutrition and protection products under ‘Reap’ umbrella brand. SML has a turnover of Rs.1200 crore in the last financial year. Recently, the acquisition of M/s R3 Crop Care coupled with launching of new patented product ‘Techno Z’ , a Zinc based micro granule fertilizer in crop nutrition segment, will further strengthen the product portfolio and would support in sustainable business growth of the organisation by offering value added solutions to growers in domestic market as well as in export business.
Its multi-location plants within the country and foreign subsidiaries are focused on best-in-class crop protection solutions as well as customized sulphur-based fertilizers catering to a wide range of clients in India and abroad. The company CMD, Mr.Deepak Shah, is confident that the company's emphasis on R&D and innovation will continue to keep Sulphur Mills well ahead of the competition. Under the series of customised sulphur based products, ‘Techno Z’ and ‘Tussle’ are new additions in product range in nutrition and fungicide segment respectively, empowered with multiple features and benefits.
Q: What is ‘Techno Z’ and how it is going to help the growers? 
‘Techno Z’ is a novel Zinc based micro granule fertilizer enabled with patented ‘ORT’ technology (Optimum Release Technology) that requires comparatively very low dose to meet the Zinc requirement of the crop plant in balance nutrition programme. As we all know that Zinc deficiency in arable soil is widespread not only in India but also worldwidely, which is one of the limiting factors for crop productivity and quality. The Zinc deficiency in arable soil affects not only the crop productivity and quality but also the human health. As per IZA’s (International Zinc Association) estimation, 1/3 of the world’s population is deficient in Z inc a nd W orld H ealth O rganization (WHO) e stimates t hat 8 00,000 p eople d ie a nnually d ue t o z inc deficiency, with 450,000 of these being children under the age of five. Therefore Zinc plays vital role in plant as well as human beings and the best way to overcome Zinc deficiency in both the crop plant and human beings is Zinc fertilization to crop, which will not only increase the yield but also fortify grain/fruit with zinc and ultimately meet the zinc requirement of the human beings. Therefore, we believe that ‘Techno Z’ is the need of the time to meet zinc requirement for crop plants in an efficient manner to increase the crop productivity and quality of harvest.
Q: How ‘Techno Z’ is different from other sources of Zinc fertilizer?
For soil application, basically Zinc Sulphate (ZnSo4) is available in market which is in water soluble form and stay very short time in soil due to leaching/running off losses and hence has very low nutrient use efficiency (2-5% only) and therefore requires higher amount of Zinc to meet the requirement of the crop plant. Rest products like Chelated Zinc and Zinc oxide SC forms are suitable for foliar application only. Techno Z, in term of benefit, is different in many ways from other sources of Zinc fertilizers. ‘Techno Z’is enabled with three key features viz: ORT technology, Micro granule formulation and Multi-nutrient fertilizer. The first feature, ORT technology, ensures prolonged zinc availability to crop plant to meet zinc requirement for longer time. The second feature, micro-granule formulation, ensures maximum interception with feeder roots of the crop plant which increases more zinc uptake by roots of crop plant hence very less dose of Techno Z required. The third feature, multi-nutrient fertilizer, as it has sulphur contents too, which support in maintaining the soil PH and balance nutrition programme of the crops. Over and above, Techno Z is very much compatible with other granular fertilizer while blended or mixed at farm level.
Q. How will SML protect ‘Techno Z’ from market competition?
Since, development of any new product requires lot of investment in R & D and registration therefore protection of the technology is very important to keep away me-too’s. In case of the Techno Z, this is a patented product in India and waiting for patent granting in overseas countries too. Therefore this will keep away the competition.

Q: What is Tussle/Unicorn and how it is going to help to growers?
Tussle and Unicorn are different brand names of t he same product. Tussle is for domestic market and Unicorn is for export markets. This is another addition of customised sulphur based fungicide solution in series of product portfolio expansion which is a combination of Sulphur 65% + Tebuconazole 10% WG formulation. Tussle/Unicorn is a contact and systemic fungicide having broad spectrum activity against many diseases. It also prevents mites attacks on crops and Sulphur component works as supplement to sulphur nutrition to the crops and therefore it helps growers in multiple ways in terms of protection and nutrition of crops.
Q: How Tussle/Unicorn is going to place in fungicide segment?
Sulphur Mills Ltd. has developed this product long back and introduced it in global market 8 years ago and has been selling it in a large quantity by the brand name of ‘Unicorn’ particularly, in Europe, US and Brazil market through MNC partners and registration are under process in other various countries too. Unicorn is perceived well as protective and curative fungicide for various crop segments like cereal, soybean, cotton, vegetable and fruit crops for broad spectrum disease control and more particularly for powdery mildew and rust disease controls. In domestic market, this product was launched by the name of ‘Tussle’ just two years ago and perceived well by growers looking to its multiple advantage and features.
The article is from
2018 INDIA PESTICIDE SUPPLIERS GUIDE magazine, download for more articles here: