BASF’s new Stamina F4® Cereals fungicide received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Growers can now take advantage of the new seed treatment fungicide for more consistent and improved emergence, enhanced seedling vigor above and below ground, heightened ability to manage exposure to cold conditions, and disease control.
“Stamina F4 Cereals fungicide is the first cereal fungicide seed treatment to offer Xemium® brand systemicity, providing more continuous and consistent disease control,” said Justin Clark, BASF Technical Market Manager. “Additionally, this fungicide seed treatment offers growers plant health benefits that can lead to higher yield potential.”
Combining Xemium brand fungicide technology and F500®, Stamina F4 Cereals fungicide also offers growers the benefits of cold tolerance, rapid emergence and highly systemic disease protection against key seedling diseases such as Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium. Its unique slow and steady movement through the plant to the leaf tips helps provide more complete disease protection. Additionally, BASF research shows the fungicide seed treatment reduces Fusarium incidence.
These benefits help provide better emergence and seedling vigor, since slow or uneven emergence in the field only makes later management decisions more complicated. Stamina F4 Cereals fungicide helps to ensure a strong start to crops so post-emergence weed control, disease control, fertility and plant health management decisions are made easier and more consistent.
“Stamina F4 Cereals fungicide seed treatment provides customers the security that comes from getting their cereal crops off to a good start, which simplifies future crop management decisions,” said Clark.
Growers can learn more about Stamina F4 cereals fungicide by visiting
BASF Ag Products or by contacting their local BASF representative.
Always read and follow label directions.
Stamina, Xemium and F500 are registered trademarks of BASF.