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Bayer CropScience launches latest insecticide innovation, Sivantoqrcode

Jan. 21, 2015

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Jan. 21, 2015
Flupyradifurone 17.09%
Bayer CropScience announced that Sivanto™ (flupyradifurone) insecticide has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and will be available for the 2015 growing season. Sivanto precisely targets key damaging pests at multiple insect life stages—delivering rapid knockdown of sucking pests while helping safeguard beneficial insects—to prevent damage to plants and help minimize the spread of diseases from insect carriers. With flexible application timings and compatibility with many beneficial insects and predatory mites, Sivanto works safely, effectively and precisely to preserve the overall health of plants and protect growers’ investment in their crops.
The discovery of Sivanto was primarily inspired by the natural compound stemofoline, a derivative from the plant Stemona japonica. Sivanto is the first member of a new chemical class of insecticides, the Butenolides (newly created IRAC subgroup 4D) and has shown excellent control of neonicotinoid-resistant aphids and whiteflies in U.S. field trials. It is registered on a broad range of horticulture crops and most broadacre crops, including citrus, pome fruit, grapes, bush berries, tree nuts (not including almonds), potatoes, vegetables, alfalfa, cotton, sorghum and several specialty crops (such as blueberry and clover from IR-4), which allows for inclusive and flexible crop rotation programs.
“Bayer CropScience is committed to providing growers with the tools they need to protect their crops and their profits,” said Frank Rittemann, Sivanto product manager. “Sivanto’s unique profile provides growers with state-of-the-art precision pest control that effectively targets harmful pests while helping safeguard beneficial insects—all with a flexible window of application that allows for use even when other products often cannot be used.”
Sivanto can be applied as a foliar spray or as a soil drench, shank or drip application, depending on the crop, allowing growers maximum flexibility with their crop protection tools. More information on application methods for each crop is included in the product label.  
With the registration of Sivanto, Bayer CropScience will be able to address the specific needs of growers across multiple crops, i.e.:
In citrus, Sivanto provides an effective alternative to citricola scale management and can be used to help manage citrus thrips, key pests in the San Joaquin Valley that have few options for control. Additionally, university studies show that Sivanto has extremely fast feeding cessation effects on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), key to helping reduce the transmission of Huanglongbing, or HLB. Also, Sivanto brings maximum application flexibility, including during the most challenging times that can occur around bloom periods.
For pome fruit, Sivanto offers excellent control of certain aphids (incl. green apple aphids and rosy apple aphids), scales (incl. San Jose scale and oystershell scale) and pear psylla when applied at a pink through petal fall timing. With flexible application timings, including during bloom periods, and compatibility with many beneficial insects, Sivanto is a good fit for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Following Sivanto with Movento® insecticide from Bayer CropScience offers a knockdown and long residual control program, and, by rotating modes of action, reduces the build-up of insect resistance.
For cucurbit vegetables, Sivanto helps ensure quick, reliable control of aphids and whiteflies while providing security that pollination by honey and bumble bees is unaffected. Sivanto’s rapid feeding cessation effect and control of insect vectors reduce silverleaf damage and provide disease mitigation, including for the cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) transmitted by whiteflies.
Regarding fruiting vegetables, Sivanto brings effective adult knockdown and residual control of aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers and psyllids. Sivanto provides mitigation of plant diseases, such as tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), and offers flexible application methods, including the option to apply as a foliar spray or as a soil drench or drip application.
In alfalfa, Sivanto provides excellent control of aphids including the blue alfalfa aphid, which has been found in high populations in recent years. Sivanto offers a flexible window of application due to its high selectivity to many beneficial insects and predatory mites as well as a short PHI of 7 days for forage and hay uses.
For sorghum, Sivanto provides excellent control of aphids, including the sugarcane aphid which has been found in high populations in recent years.


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