Jul. 9, 2014
The ban on the active ingredient fipronil would result in the removal of at least 27 insecticide products in Brazilian market, according to the survey from AgrolinkFito, a database of agrochemicals and other phytosanitary products, based in Brazil.
Among the affected products are the Shelter, LBATROSS (Milenia Agrociências S/A), SingularBR (Ouro Fino Química Ltda.), Blitz, Standak, Belure, Amulet, Taj, Teor, Tuit, Barão (Chemtura Indústria Química Do Brasil Ltda.) and SOURCE TOP (Basf S.A.), and others.
Fipronil is a wide spectrum insecticide which damages the insect's central nervous system by blocking GABA-gated chloride channels and glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) channels, resulting in central nervous system toxicity. Fipronil’s specificity for insects comes from a good efficacy on GABA receptors and the fact that the GluCl does not exist in mammals.
When mixed to a bait, fipronil’s slow action allows that the insect return to its colony and infects the others (e.g. ants and cockroaches) with a success rate of 95% in three days. However, the use of toxic baits has shown effectiveness against beneficial insect wasps, such as bees.
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