Prohibition of fipronil to remove 27 products in Brazil
The ban on the active ingredient fipronil would result in the removal of at least 27 insecticide products in Brazilian market, according to the survey from AgrolinkFito, a database of agrochemicals and other phytosanitary products, based in Brazil.
Among the affected products are the Shelter, LBATROSS (Milenia Agrociências S/A), SingularBR (Ouro Fino Química Ltda.), Blitz, Standak, Belure, Amulet, Taj, Teor, Tuit, Barão (Chemtura Indústria Química Do Brasil Ltda.) and SOURCE TOP (Basf S.A.), and others.
Fipronil is a wide spectrum insecticide which damages the insect's central nervous system by blocking GABA-gated chloride channels and glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) channels, resulting in central nervous system toxicity. Fipronil’s specificity for insects comes from a good efficacy on GABA receptors and the fact that the GluCl does not exist in mammals.
When mixed to a bait, fipronil’s slow action allows that the insect return to its colony and infects the others (e.g. ants and cockroaches) with a success rate of 95% in three days. However, the use of toxic baits has shown effectiveness against beneficial insect wasps, such as bees.