Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Bayer CropScience launches innovative Luna® Sensation fungicide in Chinaqrcode

Dec. 19, 2013

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Dec. 19, 2013

Bayer CropScience launches innovative Luna® Sensation fungicide in China

Bayer CropScience China recently launched Luna Sensation, an innovative fruit & vegetable fungicide. The active ingredient fluopyram brings a brand new mode of action to Chinese Horticuture growers and a unique addition to protect and vitalize key vegetable crops.

Luna® Sensation plays a major role beyond efficacy: starting from unparalleled in-field broad-spectrum disease control, Luna provides in-field vitality, improving root-, stem-, leaf- flower-and  fruit quality at harvest and extended, beyond harvest vitality, substantially reducing the chance of post-harvest disease infestation and therefore lowering the loss, extending freshness, taste and shelf life.  This will have a tangible value for value chain partners by slowing spoilage and reducing food waste.

As one of the key products of Bayer CropScience global, Luna® Sensation has been registered in nine countries on over 20 crops. In China, Luna® Sensation is registered on cucumber, pepper, watermelon and tomato. Target diseases include cucumber powdery mildew, anthracnose, target leaf spot, tomato leaf mould, early blight, pepper anthracnose and watermelon gummy stem blight. Meanwhile, it’s the first product that has received registration on cucumber target leaf spot in China.

Luna®  Sensation has unique mobility within the plant, and the co-formulation with trifloxystrobin helps to broaden the disease spectrum to bring unparalleled efficacy.

“As a research-based company, introducing innovation to China, assisting Chinese farmers in modern agriculture practice and promoting sustainable agricultural development has been our mission and vision”, said Rob Hulme, Country Head of Bayer CropScience Greater China. “By 2020, Bayer plan to launch 20 new products and this is being led by Luna® Sensation. We hope that through using it, farmers and food chain partners will be able to enjoy increased yield, better fruit quality and unparalleled vitality and shelf life. Most importantly, this will bring higher income and more smiles”, Rob said.


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