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Bayer presents biological nematicide Vinemco in Brazilqrcode

Sep. 24, 2024

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Sep. 24, 2024

1725480108216.jpegThe multinational company Bayer presented its biological alternative for nematode control: the bionematicide Vinemco, during the 39th Brazilian Congress of Nematology (CBN). 

Formulated with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, the product is registered to control reniform, root-knot, and lesion nematodes.

″It is a biological nematicide that uses beneficial microorganisms to combat nematodes,″ highlighted Erick Cancian, Soybean and Corn Crop Manager at Bayer. According to the executive, using products like this is a ″more sustainable practice in agriculture, reducing environmental impact″. 

Vinemco is recommended for all crops with the biological targets: Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne javanica, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and Rotylenchulus reniformis.

In addition to this biological alternative, Bayer showcased its conventional solutions at the CBN, such as the CropStar seed treatment and the nematicide Verango Prime, all supported by digital tools.

Erick Cancian.jpeg″With a broad spectrum of control against the main nematode species, Verango® Prime is recommended for use in soybeans, coffee, potatoes, sugarcane, corn, cotton, and various fruit and vegetable crops. The solution stands out for being compatible with biological products and presenting a lower risk to the environment and operators,″ Erick Cancian emphasized.

According to him, the formulation of Verango Prime contains the active ingredient Fluopyram, a novel molecule in Brazil that offers practical and long-lasting control with low dosage per hectare. ″It is the only nematicide approved for application in strips, while other solutions available on the market can only be applied in the furrow or via seeds, which limits operation and increases costs,″ he added. 

In turn, the CropStar insecticide controls chewing and sucking pests and protects the root system against nematode attacks, especially in the early stages of soybean growth and the first days after emergence in the field. Additionally, it is selective to natural enemies, making it suitable for integrated pest management (IPM).

Bernardo Coelho.jpegBernardo Coelho, Head of New Business in Digital Agriculture for Crop Protection at Bayer, highlighted that in the 2023-2024 season, more than 140 farmers applied Verango Prime locally, following the zones indicated by the digital tool Bayer Direct Nematode Program. 

″For the 2024-2025 season, we expect to expand the program and continue ensuring efficiency, economy, and sustainability for Brazilian producers,″ he said in conclusion.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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