Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Isoprothiolane registered for application to millet for first time, first millet blast control product in Chinaqrcode

Aug. 15, 2024

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Aug. 15, 2024

A few days ago, China’s ICAMA granted isoprothiolane 40% EC of Sino-Agri (Tianjin) Agrochemicals Co., Ltd for extended use in the control of millet blast. 

This is the first-time registration of isoprothiolane for use in millets in China, and also the first pesticide approved for the control of millet blasts in China since its previous registration for the control of rice blasts.

Millet blasts spread all over the world, becoming one of the main diseases in its production. The millet blast pathogen infects millet’s leaves, leaf sheaths, stems, spikes and spikelets. The Cardinal symptoms include leaf blast, neck blast and stem blast. In general, the yield of diseased cropland is reduced by 20-30%, which may even go up by above 50% in serious cases. 

Till now, there are eight valid fungicide product registrations for application to millet in China. In addition to the above-mentioned isoprothiolane, the other seven products (five amobam registrations and two metalaxyl registrations) are all used for the control of millet downy mildew.

Source: AgroNews


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