Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

China opens a new chapter of GM crop productionqrcode

Jun. 18, 2024

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Jun. 18, 2024

The year 2024 is known as the first year of GMO crop production, and with the relaxation in the application of genetic technology, the Chinese seed industry has ushered in an unprecedented development opportunity. 

According to data from AgbioInvestor, a global agricultural consultancy, by 2023, GM crop production already covered a total of 27 countries and regions around the world, with a total planting area of about 3.09 billion mu (1 mu = 1/15 Ha), 121 times that of 1996.

According to estimates, the industrialized GMO crop production is expected to push the market value of the Chinese corn seed industry to soar from RMB30 billion yuan to RMB45 billion yuan. In comparison, the market value of the soy seed industry is expected to increase from RMB7.5 billion yuan to RMB10 billion yuan. 

Concerning international practices, the market penetration of GM corn in China is expected to take up 80%-90% in the coming five to six years. The annual planting area of which is expected to reach approximately 500 million mu, offering the associated herbicidal glyphosate with possibly a market value of RMB10 billion yuan.

Da Bei Nong Group (DBN), a leading Chinese trait research and development enterprise, took the lead in going through all the procedures of GMO applications: GMO safety certificate (transformant) - GM variety approval - GMO pesticide registration. Hence, DBN becomes the first enterprise in China to complete the whole procedure. 

DBN has been granted six transformants, which include two soy products and four corn products, four of which have been granted planting approval. In December 2023 and March 2024, 63 GM corn and soy varieties were approved in China, more than 52% of which were transformed by DBN, ranking at the top of the industry sector.

Up to date, 11 GMO target-trait-oriented glyphosate products in China have been registered, and almost all related transformants are from DBN. In March and April 2024, DBN’s soy and corn transformants appeared on the list of glyphosate application certificates. 

To this end, the application of DBN’s corn and soy transformers in China got through all procedures, meaning that the glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant GM corn and GM soy, now planted, are lawful and can be applied with glyphosate/glufosinate for weed control because all procedures of industrialization of GM crop production have been completed.

Table 1    List of 2024 Glyphosate for GM Corn and Soy


刘石.pngOn July 18-19, 2024, Mr. Liu Shi, Executive Vice President of DBN, will attend the 2024 China Pesticide Exporting Workshop (CPEW) organized by AgroPages in Hangzhou, China, sharing about the current status of the development of China's GMO and gene editing seed industries and their future impact on the agrochemical industry.

Theme of presentation:

Industrialization Roadmap and Sectoral Reverberations of China's Genetically Modifed/Gene-edited Seed


Liu Shi, Executive Vice President of Da Bei Nong Group


July, 18th-19th      Hangzhou, China
Seizing Opportunities in China's Agrochemical Industry Ascent and Agriculture Solution Upgrades for Collaborative Growth

See Agenda 

Source: AgroNews


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