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Revolutionizing disease prevention: BASF launches new rice fungicide Cevya® in Chinaqrcode

Jun. 12, 2024

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Jun. 12, 2024
  • Cevya® is the latest isopropanol triazole fungicide registered on rice in China  

  • First new compound of triazole fungicide in rice applications approved in the past 20 years

  • New choice for rice growers in China to manage fungicide resistance

BASF Agricultural Solutions announced today the launch of its new rice fungicide Cevya® (400g/L mefentrifluconazole) in China. With its active ingredient Revysol® (mefentrifluconazole) providing effective prevention and control of rice false smut, Cevya is the first and latest isopropanol triazole fungicide registered on rice over the past 20 years in China, offering growers a long-awaited new solution to manage pesticide resistance in rice and maximize yield and income. 

″Innovative products and solutions constitute the core competitiveness of BASF in agriculture, allowing us to better serve our customers in China,″ said Jackson Wang, Vice President, BASF Agricultural Solutions Greater China. ″Rice plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety in China and the Asia-Pacific region. The launch of Cevya symbolizes our commitment to innovation. Cevya has successfully broken the pattern of no new ingredients in triazole fungicides registered on rice for many years. Since 2020, BASF has conducted over 300 field trials of Cevya in rice-producing provinces along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhejiang.″


BASF launches new rice fungicide Cevya® in China

As an isopropanol triazole fungicide specially developed for rice, Cevya will help tackle the growing problem of rice disease resistance when growers apply traditional triazole fungicides. Since 2020, BASF has also collaborated with top agricultural research institutions in China, such as China Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University, South China Agricultural University, and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as well as the national agricultural technology extension system, to jointly verify the effectiveness and safety of Cevya in managing rice diseases. The launch of Cevya will further upgrade BASF's rice crop solution portfolio and provide growers with a new choice for rice disease management.

″The launch of Cevya marks another important step of BASF in China and confirms our commitment to providing innovative solutions to the Chinese growers in order to help them produce more rice in more effective ways,″ said Georgi Bonev, Director Global Rice Crop System, BASF Agricultural Solutions.

Since 2020, BASF has successfully launched in China multiple fungicides with Revysol as an active ingredient, such as Melyra® and Mibelya®, to meet the diverse needs of growers, enabling them to cultivate more high-quality crops. To-date, BASF's active ingredient Revysol has already been registered for use on more than 40 types of crops in over 60 countries worldwide.


Source: BASF


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