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A decade of biopesticides data in France shows both uptake and opportunityqrcode

Apr. 16, 2024

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Apr. 16, 2024

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Ten years’ worth of Kynetec data and insight into the biopesticides market in France is topped off with 2023 surpassing all records, showing biopesticides taking 10% market value versus conventional crop protection products. 

2023: Key stats in France – market value

  • Nearly 10% of the total crop protection market in France are biopesticide products

  • Biofungicides make up nearly 16% of the fungicide market vs conventional products

  • Bioinsecticides make up nearly 17% of the insecticide market vs conventional products

  • Vine market penetration stands at nearly 100% - all vine farmers in France use a biopesticide product 

  • Nearly 40% of row crop growers use biopesticides, typically slug pellets and sulphur, although the area treated remains low with a concentration under 5%

Maturity in vine and fruit.

French vine and fruit growers have long adopted biofungicides and bioinsecticides, with a nearly 100% penetration rate in 2023, a consistent number up from the mid-ninety percentile over the previous decade. It is theorised that efficacy as well as environmental benefits are the reason for such high levels of use. The range of products on the market also supports grower engagement as they fulfil the biggest challenges of vine and soft fruit growers. 

Concentration, or area treated, of biopesticides used in vine has grown from nearly 30% in 2014 to well over 40% in 2023, with conventional products being replaced on-farm.

Grower location in the value chain makes a difference.

Growers closer to the consumer, for example selling direct from farm, or owning their own brands, showed a higher tendency to adopt biopesticides, as the associated positive marketing messages around environmental benefits are well received by consumers wanting to use more environmentally sound options. This angle becomes less important - and the price point more impactful - for growers lower down the value chain, where margins become more prevalent. 

Row crops offer the biggest potential for sales growth.

Physically the largest area crop group, extending to more than 13 million hectares in France, row cropping accounts for only 2% of the total market crop protection in value. Typically weed challenge is high on row crop growers lists of concerns and as yet there is no bioproduct that can compete with conventional chemistry. While around 40% of row crop growers are using a biopesticide product, these solutions are typically slug pellets or sulphur – and are not the at-scale herbicides required in high hectarage row cropping. 

Both selective and non-selective bioherbicides are the products we’re all waiting for. 

With 45% of market sales in selective herbicides, the arrival of an effective selective bioherbicide at a price point equivalent to that of well-known conventional brands could be a game changer. Non-selective herbicides - such as glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world – are equally eagerly awaited. 

Kynetec is a global provider of data and analytics in agriculture, animal health & nutrition, and sustainability, with farmer panels in more than 50 countries globally.

For more information on accessing farm-level insights, contact Christophe Jounaux, Account Management EMEA & Global Business Development at christophe.jounaux@kynetec.com


Source: Kynetec


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