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Goltix™ 700 SC herbicide from ADAMA receives Section 18 Emergency Exemption usage approval for 2024 sugar beet growing season in Nebraska and Coloradoqrcode

Feb. 20, 2024

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Feb. 20, 2024

United States  United States

Sugar beet growers in Colorado and Nebraska have a new herbicide they can apply to control glyphosate-tolerant Palmer amaranth for the 2024 growing season. Goltix 700 SC, with its active ingredient of metamitron and produced by ADAMA, received FIFRA Section 18 Emergency Exemption. ADAMA is a leading global crop protection company providing solutions to combat weeds, insects, and diseases.

Sugar beets are a major crop in both western Nebraska and eastern Colorado. The states’ Department of Agriculture led the charge in requesting the emergency exemption. Glyphosate-resistant weeds, including Palmer amaranth, have become a major challenge for sugar beet growers in these states. If left uncontrolled, this weed has the potential to cause up to 70% sugar beet root yield loss.* 

Per Steve Eskelsen, Ph.D., Product Development Manager at ADAMA, ″Growers can use GOLTIX 700 SC for pre-emergence control of Palmer amaranth until the 2-leaf stage of sugar beets. At the 2-leaf stage, group 15 herbicides (e.g., metolachlor) are safe on sugar beets and can be layered over metamitron to continue pre-emergence control of Palmer amaranth.″ Eskelsen recommends that growers tank mix Goltix 700 SC with an herbicide that has the active ingredient ethofumesate at application. 

Goltix 700 SC will be available through Western Sugar Cooperative and major distribution partners in Nebraska and Colorado. As this is an emergency exemption, the application of Goltix can only be made between March 31 and May 31, 2024. Any unused product will need to be returned to and in the possession of ADAMA no later than August 31st. 

As registrant, ADAMA supports this emergency exemption use and has expressed interest in pursuing registration of this use on sugar beets under Section 3 of FIFRA. As this is the first year the EPA has granted an emergency exemption authorization, progress toward registration will continue after the use season. 

*Source: ″Herbicide Options for Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Sugar Beet″ by Nevin Lawrence, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Andrew Kniss, University of Wyoming. 

Source: ADAMA


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