Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Declaration on Spiroxamine and Fenhexamid by Shaanxi Hengrun Linong Biotechnology Co., Ltd.qrcode

Jun. 13, 2023

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Jun. 13, 2023

Shaanxi Hengrun Linong Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (″Hengrun Linong″) holds the pesticide registration certificates and pesticide production licenses for 95% Spiroxamine technical and 98% Fenhexamid technical. The pesticide registration certificate numbers are EX20220072 and EX20210157, respectively, and the pesticide production license number is NYSX(S)0043. Furthermore, Hengrun Linong has applied for and been granted patents on relevant technicals and intermediates.

Recently, it is found that some culprits in domestic and international markets produce, promote, and sell Spiroxamine technical, Fenhexamid formulations, etc. under the guise of intermediates, causing serious harm to market order and the rights and interests of consumers. In response to this, Hengrun Linong makes the following solemn declaration:

1. The production, packaging or sale of Spiroxamine technical and Fenhexamid by any company or individual without legal permits is considered illegal.

2. Hengrun Linong has commissioned professional organizations to crack down on counterfeits and defend its rights in accordance with the law. Once companies or individuals are discovered involved in producing, promoting, or selling Spiroxamine technical and Fenhexamid technical (including selling the technicals under the name of intermediates), or purchasing the aforementioned technicals and manufacturing  pesticide formulations for profit without permits, Hengrun Linong will immediately report them to agricultural law enforcement authorities. If the elements for constituting the crime of producing and selling counterfeit and shoddy pesticides, as stipulated in Article 147 of the Criminal Law, are met, the case(s) will be referred to the public security organs for investigation in accordance with the law.

Shaanxi Hengrun Linong Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
June 9, 2023

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