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Veteran agrochemicals entrepreneur, Robert Maingard, returns to centre stageqrcode

Mar. 23, 2011

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Mar. 23, 2011
Robert Maingard, one of the doyens of the international Crop Protection industry, announced the launch of his new company, FARMAG INTERNATIONAL (Pty) Ltd and the purchase of the South African formulator and wholesaler GAP Chemicals (Pty) Ltd. “Our mission at FarmAg”, said Mr Maingard, ”is very simple – we are a cost effective operation that will supply our valued clients with quality products at competitive prices. The syndicate I am heading-up has many years experience in dealing with some of the top Chinese generic pesticide manufacturers and our aim is to build on these valued relationships to the benefit of our clients”.

The launch of FarmAg International and the purchase of GAP Chemicals complete a circle that started many years ago. The portfolio of registrations held by GAP Chemicals is primarily aimed at the sugarcane industry and it was in this same industry where Maingard’s illustrious career in Agrochemicals began some 55 years ago. The original FarmAg was started in the early 1980’s and was an amalgamation of all Maingard’s various agricultural business interests built up since 1952. FarmAg soon became a powerful player in the Southern African markets and elsewhere as both a manufacturer and trader. FarmAg was in fact one of the first companies in the world to strike up relationships with the then emerging Chinese generic producers and these relationships still stand to this day! FarmAg was listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in the mid-1980’s and in 1990 the company merged its interests with the local chemical giant Sentrachem to form SANACHEM. SANACHEM quickly became a global player in the industry reaching a turnover of > ZAR1.5 billion by 1997 when it was purchased by DOW.

Not content with these successes Maingard then went on to form Volcano Agroscience (Pty) Ltd, another South African company that quickly grew from humble beginnings in 2000 to an African giant that eventually attracted the attention of Arysta LifeScience who purchased Volcano in 2008.

Maingard’s passion for the industry was still not quenched and it was not long before the idea for a revitalized FarmAg took shape. A strong team of dedicated and highly experienced individuals was soon assembled and tasked with making the new vision a reality.

Leading the team for various African markets is Mr Akthar Shaik another doyen of the local and international industry. Mr Shaik has been closely associated with Maingard for 42 years and together they are a formidable force in the market. Supporting them in the sourcing and purchasing of products is Mr George Diaconu who is a well known figure amoungst the generic manufacturers in China. Mr Diaconu also brings a wealth of experience of the international markets where he has been successfully selling products for many years.

Also involved in the new company is Mr Guy Hardy who is a world renowned Consulting Agronomist for sugarcane. Guy has served the sugarcane industry for 39 years and has successfully opened up markets in Cuba, Brazil and all the sugarcane producing countries of Africa. Guy has introduced herbicide programs that have produced astonishing returns for the growers that implement them.

Rounding off the team for FarmAg International is Dr Arthur Keegan who has been involved in Technical and Regulatory Affairs for 30 years. Dr Keegan has been instrumental in obtaining hundreds of registrations in numerous countries and with his efforts FarmAg is assured of a steady flow of registrations in the years ahead.

Robert Maingard’s vision is complete and his motto is simple – “we are back on the map and we are back in the business! This team, together with our numerous friends in China, will ensure that growers will continue to have access to quality products for many years to come”.
Source: Farm.Ag


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