Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

The imported pesticides are leading the hike in Chinaqrcode

Mar. 11, 2011

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Mar. 11, 2011

Price for most pesticides have been raising quietly, the imported products, with 5-15 percent rise, has taken the head in the price surge. Inspired by the higher commodity price, growers are willing to invest on crop protection products. Optimistic view is that agrochemical market will be better than last year, especially the upmarket.

According to the survey from Agropages, most producers have increased their offers, especially the multinationals. The insecticide chlorantraniliprole from Dupont has experienced a 90,000 Yuan per ton’s increase in price, and the flubendiamide from Nihon Nohyaku has a 100,000 Yuan increase. Too, the domestic companies are going with the flow, Jiangsu Kuaida has increased the price of chlorpyrifos by 5000 Yuan per ton. More prevailed hike is conceived by other suppliers as well. Noposion, the largest formulation products supplier, is to increase their overall quotation by 5%.
The suppliers have ascribed the hike to their rising cost like materials and environmental projects as the price surge of raw materials late last year and government’s strong policies on pollutions (Agronews 2011-01-08). However, the insiders believe the hike more result from inflation. It is inevitable that the producers stay their margins through more gains in an inflationary circumstance. Besides, with its strong links with agriculture, the increase in the overall prices of agricultural products late last year has aroused pesticide suppliers’ incentive to get a slice. According to people familiar with the matter, Dupont’s price increase on chlorantraniliprole was because its dissatisfied with chlorantraniliprole low margin other than higher costs in production.

However the higher prices of the pesticides would not affect growers’ investment enthusiasm on agrochemicals as higher prices of agricultural products. The effective and famous products are still favored by the growers despite of their high price. Sunshubao, general secretary of the CCPIA took the upmarkets’ popularities for the increasing green barriers established the import counties. With more and more concerning on eco-environment and food safety, rules like MRLS , quarantine, environmental protections are unprecedentedly imposed by many countries, which driven up the demand of high grade pesticide products.

China’s import of pesticides has maintained a double-digit growth in recent three years, which accounted for 20 percent of 25 billion Yuan’s total Chinese pesticides market. It is forecasted that pesticides demand will increase by 2.69% this year without any abnormal weather, and insiders believed that the imported high products will be of greater demand.

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Source: AgroNews


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