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Syngenta, Oscar Pemán Semillas launch a Plenus seed treatment for pasturesqrcode

Jun. 23, 2016

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Jun. 23, 2016

Syngenta and Oscar Pemán Semillas have signed an agreement in which all the seeds offered by Oscar Pemán Semillas in Argentina will be protected by the seed treatment Plenus technology from Syngenta. Among the benefits of Plenus, there is a reduction of the risk of the manipulation of agrochemicals by a non-specialized personnel. Besides, the treatment is performed by high technology equipment, thus reducing the impact on the environment.

The Plenus Technology, according to the company, allows a fast use of pasture and the treatment protects the seed from a wide range of diseases and fungus, which guarantees that the plant has a protected development and allows it to express all of its yield potential.

The market of tropical forage in Argentina has grown sustainably in recent years, but so far no seed company had offered a professional protection treatment. “We are proud to offer the Plenus technology to our professional treatment Ferticout MAX and to be the first to offer it. We are convinced that is necessary to bring the maximum protection to the seed, since the time of seedling, so that it can express all the potential of our genetics,” expressed Oscar Pemán, president of Oscar Pemán Semillas, leader in the market of tropical seeds in Argentina.

"The alliance with Oscar Pemán Semillas is excellent news for Syngenta. It allows us to expand the offer of the Plenus technology to other crops and the customers and to the customers of Oscar Pemán to access the best technology. The growth of the offer of tropical forage seeds protected professionally represent a great advance for a more sustainable livestock production”, said Carlos Becco, director of the Seed Treatment Commercial Unit of Syngenta in Argentina.

Source: AgroNews


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