Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Argentina: Syngenta and Limagrain close deal for wheat treatment with Plenusqrcode

May. 4, 2016

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May. 4, 2016

France  France

Through a partnership announced recently, Limagrain Argentina will commercialize its LG wheat seed already protected by Plenus technology of Syngenta. The company explains that the previous treatment avoids that the producer has to “go to the field’, reducing the manipulation risks of agrochemicals and reducing the environmental impact.

According to the manufacturer, the Plenus technology also increases significantly the results coefficient, besides protecting the seeds of wide spectrum diseases and fungus. The goal is to guarantee a development that allows it to express its entire yield potential.

"We are proud that we can offer the Plenus technology to our customers. We are convinced that it is necessary to deliver the maximum protection on seed since planting, so it can express all the potential of our genetics,” commented Gerard Lespourci, general manager of Limagrain Argentina.

Carlos Becco, Director of Business Unit Multipliers and Seed Treatment of Syngenta, affirms that “this alliance is an excellent news for Syngenta because it allows us to keep expanding the offer of professional treatments for other crops. On the other hand, Limagrain Argentina customers will have access to the best existing technology”.

Source: AgroNews


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