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Brazil Mapa announces priority for registration of product to fight Coffee Borerqrcode

Feb. 4, 2016

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Feb. 4, 2016

The Secretariat of Crop Protection of Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) announced the priority registration of products that contain active ingredients to combat the Coffee Berry Borer. The decision was published this week at the Union's Official Gazette, which defined the plagues with more economic importance in the country.

According to the publication, the metaflumizone, active ingredient of the BASF's product Verismo, and the combination of the principles Bifenthrin + Acetamiprid, which compose PL 138 FP BR of UPL, are among the priorities. Other principle included was the Fluensulfone, the active ingredient of Adama's Nimitz, aimed to control nematodes on coffee, soybeans, sugarcane, citrus and potatoes.

According to Mapa, these ingredients were selected considering the new products presented for the control of the plagues listed and equivalent products to allow greater competitiveness in the market. It was taken into account yet the number of registrants of each active ingredient, available to farmers through the formulated products.

On the other hand, the products in which the ingredients are at the stage of toxicological or environmental reevaluation for the effects of priority were not taken into account at the federal level. The General Coordination of Agrochemical and Similar of the Ministry of Agriculture announced it will update the list of prioritized products for registration and the status of procedures for each three months.

Source: AgroNews


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