Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Pakistan's agriculture seed market is worth almost $ 1.5 billionqrcode

Jan. 14, 2014

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Jan. 14, 2014
Pakistan's agriculture seed market is worth almost $ 1500 million and it has huge potential and opportunities for investors. DG Federal Seed Certification & Registration, Syed Muhammad Nasir Ali recently expressed these views. He said that investment in agriculture seed and supply of certified seed was important not only to boost agriculture sector but also overall economy of the country.

He said the value of seed produced in Pakistan was $ 500 million while the value of imported seed was $ 300 million which showed a market gap for investment of $ 700 million.

He said certified seed availability of major crops in Pakistan was just 20 per cent while authorities had set a target for certified seed availability of 30 percent for the next year.

He said the share of the public sector in seed availability was 22 per cent while private sector's share was 78 per cent.

He said that there were four public sector seed organisations while five multinational seed companies and 789 national seed companies were operating in the private sector.


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