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Syngenta and Three Rivers Energy signed Enogen® trait technology agreementqrcode

Nov. 26, 2013

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Nov. 26, 2013
Syngenta announced recently it has signed a commercial agreement with Three Rivers Energy, LLC of Coshocton, Ohio, US to use grain featuring Enogen trait technology following the 2014 corn harvest.

“We are thrilled to announce this agreement with Three Rivers Energy, as we extend our Enogen corn geography into Ohio, demonstrating the growing acceptance of Enogen technology and the value it is creating for ethanol plants, farmers and local communities,” said David Witherspoon, head of renewable fuels for Syngenta. “We believe Enogen corn will help Three Rivers Energy increase its operational efficiency, provide farmers with additional revenue, and support local economic development.”

Enogen corn is bio-engineered to express a robust form of alpha amylase enzyme in the corn kernel, eliminating the need for liquid alpha amylase in dry grind ethanol production. By incorporating Enogen grain into its ethanol production process, an ethanol plant can drastically reduce the viscosity of its corn mash, enabling unprecedented levels of dry solids loading. Among a variety of process enhancements, Enogen technology creates greater process flexibility in the ethanol plant to capture increased ethanol yield and throughput, and decreases costs associated with natural gas, electricity, water and chemical usage.

Three Rivers Energy recently resumed ethanol production in Coshocton, Ohio. Its sister plant, Plymouth Energy, LLC (Merrill, Iowa) signed a commercial agreement with Syngenta in the fall of 2012 to use Enogen grain, and is currently completing its first year contracting with local growers to produce Enogen corn commercially. Three Rivers Energy and Plymouth Energy are operated by Lakeview Energy, LLC.

“This is an exciting opportunity to add value to our Three Rivers facility and to the local Coshocton community,” said Jim Galvin, CEO of Lakeview Energy. “After seeing the rapid success Plymouth Energy had contracting Enogen corn acres with area farmers this year, we wanted to explore the opportunity to work with our local farmers in Coshocton to supply Enogen grain for the Three Rivers ethanol plant. We like that we can purchase our alpha amylase in the form of high quality grain directly from farmers here in our community.”

Three Rivers Energy is recruiting growers to produce Enogen corn in 2014 and will begin using the specialized corn grain in commercial production following the 2014 corn harvest. Growers under contract will deliver their Enogen grain to the ethanol plant and will be paid an average premium of 40 cents per bushel for their grain.

Enogen corn seed is available with the same genetics and trait packages as other high-performing corn hybrids from Syngenta. Enogen traited corn hybrids have been shown to have no negative impact on yield.

“Producing Enogen corn is a unique opportunity for growers to receive a true premium for their grain and add value to their operation,” Witherspoon added. “Enogen trait technology is a win-win-win for ethanol plants, corn growers and rural communities.”


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