Brazilian farmers to plant more cotton in 2011/12
Cotton acreage in Brazil is expected to increase 3.5% to 7.7% in 2011/12 to a total of 1.45 to 1.50 million hectares. This is according to Conab's second evaluation of the 2011/12 growing season in Brazil which was released yesterday.
Mato Grosso continues to be the largest cotton producing state in Brazil with the cotton acreage estimated to be up 10% (midpoint) compared to last season. They estimated that 795,000 hectares would be grown in the state compared to 723,000 last year. As much as half of Mato Grosso's cotton acreage will be planted as a second crop after the early maturing soybeans are harvested. The state of Bahia is the second leading producer with 405,000 hectares of production. These two states account for 80% of Brazil's cotton production.
Cotton planting varies by location in Brazil. Cotton is generally planted the second half of October in Sao Paulo, Parana, and in southern Mato Grosso do Sul. The non-irrigated cotton in Goias and western Bahia is planted in November. Full season cotton in Mato Grosso and northern Mato Grosso do Sul is planted in December. Irrigated cotton in western Bahia is planted in January and the safrinha cotton in Mato Grosso is also planted in January after the harvest of the early maturing soybeans.
Some of the increased safrinha cotton acreage in Mato Grosso is coming at the expense of corn. Cotton farmers in Brazil generally were very pleased last year due to the outstanding cotton price (at least during the first half of the year). Even though cotton prices are now lower, farmers are confident that they can once again turn a god profit growing cotton in 2011/12.