EPA approves streamlined Confidential Statement of formula process
As part of the registration process for pesticides, registrants are required to submit a Confidential Statement of Formula, Form 8570-4. The Confidential Statement of Formula lists all the components and their percentage by weight in a pesticide product, and other information about the formulation. It is a crucial element of submissions related to new pesticide products. In the past, registrants have submitted a separate Confidential Statement of Formula for each manufacturing site and each country in which the product is produced. New guidance to EPA reviewers would allow EPA to instead accept from registrants an attachment to the Confidential Statement of Formula that lists additional sites at which the technical product may be manufactured and additional countries in which it may be produced, provided the criteria in the guidance are met. This streamlined process will not only reduce paper and registrant burden, but it will also provide useful information to EPA staff and reduce handling and tracking of many unnecessary pages.