On 22nd May, 2020, a public notification was released on an environmental impact assessment report related to the 10,000-ton 2,4-D isooctyl ester and 20,000-ton 2,4-D dimethylamine saline AS production facility of Jiangxi Tianyu Chemicals, a subsidiary of the Nantong CAC Group.
According to the environmental impact assessment report, Jiangxi Tianyu Chemicals decided to build a 10,000-ton 2,4-D isooctyl ester and 20,000-ton 2,4-D dimethylamine saline AS production facility, as required by the market and the company's development needs. The production facility will be located in China’s Xingan Salt Chemical Industrial Town, Jiangxi Province, with a projected total investment of Yuan43.2 million, including a one-off environmental protection-oriented investment of Yuan3.82 million accounting for 8.84% of total investment.
The production lines will include 2,4-D downstream products, which, upon completion and operation, will enable the company to form an industrial chain effect based on its existing 40,000-ton 2,4-D facilities, and, therefore, enhance the company's core competencies to achieve its strategic development goals, as well as to achieve greater economic benefits.