Dow AgroSciences is once again expanding production of SmartStax(R) hybrids to meet customer demand for the 2011 growing season. The company produced a significant amount of SmartStax hybrids during summer production.
"To keep up with positive customer demand, we will ramp up winter production to ensure adequate supply of elite SmartStax hybrids," says Casey Onstot, traits marketing manager for Dow AgroSciences. "We have an excellent supply of seed from our summer production, and the additional quantity we gain through winter production will ensure we can meet customer demand for SmartStax hybrids. Regardless of the location or season of production, growers can have full confidence in the Dow AgroSciences trait introgression and breeding process."
The goal of corn trait introgression, the process in which traits are stacked into elite genetics, is to deliver the highest-quality conversions in the shortest time possible. In that regard, the trait conversion process at Dow AgroSciences is second to none, says Jim Bing, trait introgression manager for Dow AgroSciences.
Dow AgroSciences has one of the highest levels of trait introgression experience in the seed industry. In fact, Bing and his team have more than 14 years of experience introgressing Herculex(R) I Insect Protection traits, 12 years of experience with Herculex RW Rootworm Protection traits, and now more than five years of experience working with the SmartStax family of traits.
"We are very confident in the quality of our conversions. Weve nearly doubled our conversion capacity since 2007," Bing says. "Recent investments and other efficiencies will continue to increase our capacity for conversions in the upcoming years."
"Dow AgroSciences takes a stringent, detail-oriented approach to maintaining trait purity through the foundation process so the company has assurances of high-quality conversions," Bing says. "In addition, we are continually adding new marker technology and quality assurance processes. And finally, weve automated nearly all of our analytical processes in the last two years."
The company has a long track-record of success with trait introgression and hybrid selection. Dow AgroSciences has worked with industry leaders to bring the best traits to market in the leading genetics. In recent years, this includes the introduction the Herculex Insect Protection family of traits with Pioneer and the launch of SmartStax(R) withMonsanto--1.htm"> Monsanto.
"Dow AgroSciences will continue to deliver the leading traits in leading genetics to provide growers with hybrids that offer higher whole-farm yield potential," Onstot says. "We are pleased to have received many positive reports from SmartStax growers, despite 2010 having some of the most challenging environmental conditions that corn hybrids have ever faced."
Dow AgroSciences continues to analyze data evaluating the performance of SmartStax trait technology. Data has been collected from nearly 50 percent of Dow AgroSciences U.S. replicated field trials across multiple geographies. These trials compare SmartStax trait technology with Herculex(R) XTRA trait versions, with the same base genetic packages. The data shows that Dow AgroSciences SmartStax is performing well and yielding as expected.
The Dow AgroSciences seed companies that will continue to expand the SmartStax offering for 2011 include Brodbeck Seeds, Dairyland Seed, Hyland Seeds, Mycogen Seeds, Pfister Seeds, Renze Seeds and Triumph Seed.
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