RiceTec, PLP Group signed agreement on hybrid rice seeds
RiceTec and Grupo Puerto Las Palmas (PLP Group) signed a strategic partnership agreement for the production of hybrid rice seeds in Argentina this month.
According to the information disseminated, within the framework of this alliance and obeying the new business model of RiceTec for its Mercosur unit, it announces the reopening of the seed production operation in Argentina after the restructuring process of the unit. It should be recalled that in 2017 RiceTec had ceased operations in the Chaco and thus closed its headquarters in Argentina.
PLP Group, a well-known company in the rice sector and of great impact on the economy of the region, will facilitate the production and development of hybrid innovation materials, transforming this alliance into the strategic vehicle for the introduction of new products and technologies benefiting the whole rice chain of Mercosur.
According to the agreement, PLP Group will take on the challenge of handling the drying, processing and storage facilities for seeds at the “El Dichoso” plant in Colonia Benitez. For its part, RiceTec, will continue to be dedicated to innovation, development and introduction of new technologies, from its research station in Santa María, RS, Brazil.
The "El Dichoso" plant was a large investment carried out by RiceTec and inaugurated a few years ago, but which could not develop its potential as a result of the restructuring carried out last year by the firm.
RiceTec stressed that it seeks to encourage sustainable production of food through technology applied to rice seeds, producing a positive impact on producers, workers, investors and the community in general.
PLP Group aims to strengthen the value chain of production, industrialization and marketing of rice in Argentina.
This is how both companies come together to create a moment of "synergy and sustainability" that will have a profound impact on the regional rice economy.