AgriAlgae®, when quantity meets quality
For the second year in a row, AlgaEnergy has demonstrated the effectiveness of AgriAlgae® in melons through an independent report. The field trials, designed with statistical significance and carried out by the prestigious agronomical research center IMIDRA, show how melon crops treated with AgriAlgae® -the range of agricultural biostimulants based on microalgae-, improve their performance significantly in terms of quantity and quality compared to other biostimulant treatments. These trials confirm the positive results obtained the previous year, also with statistical significance.
The Institute for Rural and Agricultural Research and Development of Madrid (IMIDRA), concludes that the results of using AgriAlgae® are far above expectations, exceeding the ones obtained by the other commonly used biostimulants of reference. The trials, designed by the reputed R&D center and carried out at their Experimental Farm "La Isla" (Madrid), compare the effects of AgriAlgae® in melon with the results obtained with other biostimulant products derived from animal based amino acids and from seaweed, as well as with a control treatment in which only the basic fertilization was applied, without any biostimulant.
Increasing crop yields
Some of the most significant findings extracted from the report issued by IMIDRA show how in the plots treated with AgriAlgae® considerably higher crop yields were obtained in terms of kg/ha, with a 12.3% more of total production compared to the rest of the treatments. Of particular relevance are the data obtained regarding commercial production, since, although it can be affirmed that all the biostimulant treatments increased the commercial production, this increase was especially significant in the plots treated with AgriAlgae®. The commercial production obtained with AgriAlgae® was between 7 and 10% more compared to the other biostimulant treatments. In addition, AgriAlgae® also produced an increase in 1st quality production compared to the other treatments (melons of higher weight with no imperfections).
In this sense, the plots in which AgriAlgae® was applied were also at the top in terms of average weight of the fruit: between 5 and 8% more than the rest of the plots. The average weight of the fruit is an essential quality parameter providing a greater commercial value and increased competitiveness of the farmer.
In relation to the data obtained, Carlos Rodríguez-Villa, AlgaEnergy’s General Manager, assessed that "the fact that an independent agronomical research center of the prestige and rigor of IMIDRA, ratifies for the second year in a row and with statistical significance the effectiveness of AgriAlgae® and its considerable competitive advantages compared to other products of reference in the market, is very important for us. Thanks to an unparalleled raw material that AlgaEnergy produces controlling all variables –microalgae-, and the UPT® technology developed exclusively by AlgaEnergy, we can offer an optimized end product of the highest quality, unique in the market", adds Rodríguez-Villa.
Better organoleptic properties
The trials executed by IMIDRA also show the excellent results obtained by AgriAlgae® in terms of qualitative traits. In a blind tasting carried out by a panel comprised by a hundred consumers, the melons harvested in the plots treated with AgriAlgae® obtained the best score. In fact, the fruits treated with AgriAlgae® received an average mark of 7.09 out of 10, versus the marks of between 6.76 and 6.59 obtained by the other three treatments. The blind tasting included aspects such as sweetness, juiciness or firmness of the fruits, as well as overall appreciation.
Rodríguez-Villa has highlighted these results and pointed out that "in the current context, in which end consumers are more demanding and require fruits with the best organoleptic properties, the results which provide AgriAlgae® in terms of optimizing the quality, are especially relevant. These market demands are transferred to the producers and therefore to the suppliers of agronomical inputs, and the positive effects we are demonstrating, which can be extrapolated to any kind of crop, place us in a privileged position to meet the farmer’s needs and make them more competitive. AgriAlgae® is an innovative and sustainable product, but above all, a very effective solution as it has been once again demonstrated by this independent study", he concludes.
About AlgaEnergy
AlgaEnergy is a biotechnology-based company specialized in the science of microalgae. The company consolidates over 4 decades of state of the art knowledge related to microalgae, generated by the main specialized universities, and has invested millionaire resources in applied R&D, positioning itself as the main international reference in this field. AlgaEnergy’s mission is to develop and commercialize innovative high-quality products derived from microalgae, targeting specific needs in different industries.
In the agricultural sector, after 10 years of research and development, AlgaEnergy launched its brand AgriAlgae®, a range of high quality biostimulants combining different microalgae species grown at AlgaEnergy’s cutting edge facilities, whose effectiveness in terms of increasing yields and improving qualities is demonstrated by numerous independent field trials.
For more information about our activities, R&D projects, technology and facilities, and products, please visit
For more information about our agricultural biostimulants based on microalgae AgriAlgae®, please visit