Syngenta presented Minecto Alpha for horticultural crops in Spain
Syngenta has presented in Mazarrón (Murcia, Spain) a new multiplayer protection technology against the main insects that affect horticultural crops. The product is now available to farmers under the name of Minecto Alpha (cyantraniliprole + acibenzolar-S-methyl + bronopol).
The formula could be applied both via foliar and by irrigation, acting systemically to ensure superior control and long-lasting effect.
The large number of field trials conducted to obtain the record, endorse it as the best solution to achieve excellent efficiencies in the control of multiple pests, such as sucking insects (whitefly and thrips), leafminers and tuta absoluta.
Agustín Gómez, Product Manager at Syngenta stated in his presentation: “The most remarkable thing about this technology is its multiplayer characters and the excellent control it presents over a long period of time. In addition, it acts as an inducer of the plant's own defenses, which gives the plant extra protection by reducing the incidence of some persistent viruses. All this, in short, translates into greater tranquility for the producer."
Minecto Alpha is the result of a long process of research and development that can be used to address the main problems faced by the farmer when it comes to controlling the main pests and insects vectors viruliferous whose damage represents a high economic impact on tomato, pepper and lettuce.
In the words of Agustín Gómez, " Without a doubt, and whenever responsible use of this new technology is made, Mine Alpha will soon become the product of reference, not only for field behavior, but also because it presents an impeccable profile to be incorporated into the most demanding integrated production protocols . "
Reducing crop damage by increasing production and extending good practices and safe use of technologies are the sustainability objectives that Syngenta's Good Growth Plan aims to achieve through innovation.