Canada proposes to approve ISK’s herbicide tolpyralate
Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is proposing registration for the sale and use of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha’s Technical Tolpyralate Herbicide and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide, containing the technical grade active ingredient tolpyralate, for post-emergent weed control in field corn (including corn grown for seed), sweet corn and popcorn.
Tolpyralate is a new herbicidal active ingredient found in Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide that has post-emergence activity on a variety of broadleaved and grassy weeds. While tolpyralate may be applied alone, it is recommended for use in tank mix with atrazine for post-emergent weed control in field corn (including corn grown for seed), sweet corn and popcorn.
An evaluation of available scientific information found that, under the approved conditions of use, the product has value and does not present an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
Before making a final registration decision on tolpyralate, the PMRA will consider any comments received from the public in response to PRD2017-13, Tolpyralate and Tolpyralate 400SC Herbicide. The PMRA will accept written comments before 30 October 2017.