Rainbow Mexico relocates its Offices
Mexico, known as the Horn of Plenty, ranks fourth in the world in biodiversity. It is an important market for Rainbow, being the eleventh most populous country in the world and the second in Latin America. Mexico's wide biodiversity allows the country to produce a broad range of agricultural products which include: soybean, avocado, coffee, sugarcane, rice, tomato, potatoes, various vegetables and tropical fruits, among others.
Rainbow started its operations in Mexico in 2009 with a full understanding of the potential market and a vision of its place in this market and the value the company will add through its products. Currently Rainbow has obtained more than 50 product registrations in Mexico, with a lot of products under going process.
Rainbow announces its new Branch Executive Offices in Guadalajara of Mexico which will help further develop its market position and make its operations more efficient, and will be engaged in working for and about the growth of our customers.
You can find Rainbow's Mexico operation in:
Branch name: Rainbow Agro Sciences SA de CV
Branch Address: Av. Americas #1930. Piso 5 int. Privativa 2. Country Club C.P. 44610. Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Tel. : +52 (33) 2306 9988; +52 (33) 2306 9898
E-mails: rainbowchem@rainbowchem.com