Consultation launched on new pesticide laws
It is looking for growers views on how best to implement the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (known as the SUD or Directive 2009/128/EC) and two parts of EC 1107/2009 on the provision of public information on pesticides.
It is also seeking views on how the UK should use charging arrangements provided by this legislation and another regulation on maximum residue levels of pesticides in food and feed.
Rural affairs and environment minister Dan Norris said a key part of the consultation was about looking at what approach to take in providing access to information about pesticides used close to where people live.
"We approach this consultation with open minds and without prejudging any outcome," he said. "You will see that we have therefore not set out preferred implementation options." This brainstorming session contributed to some success in improving Europes original proposals and it is hoped that the new working groups will also help the industry.
"However, it is clear that any new controls that might be introduced as a result of the consultation must build on the high safety standards that we have here in the UK," added Norris.
"At the same time, we need to continue to be able to control pests, weeds and diseases to ensure the affordability, quality and security of our food supply.
"To achieve the correct balance, we want to gather views and evidence about the potential costs, benefits and feasibility of the wide range of implementation options presented."
Views are being sought on how to best execute national action plans for minimising pesticide use as well as compulsory sprayer testing and agronomist and spray operative training.
- To download the consultation, which closes on 4 May, visit