SGS renews GLP accreditation in Spain
SGS in Spain has successfully renewed its GLP accreditation in contract research for seed and crop field trials.
The accreditation has been renewed every two years since the first application in 2007, for crop residues. This year’s service scope included the two OECD GLP categories (residues and environmental fate studies), extending the company’s expertise into field soil dissipation and dislodgeable foliar residue testing.
SGS’s contract research services in Spain range from the early assessment of products and GEP efficacy testing through to new product residue testing in supervised GLP field trials.
Field trials
SGS is capable of providing residue trials in all major crops, fruits and vegetables. Our experience in pan-European Union (and other) field soil dissipation trials includes different kinds of well-characterized field sites, a variety of soil types and various climatic zones across Spain. This is made possible through a combination of long-term contracts on such fields and investment in the appropriate irrigation systems and sampling devices.
SGS also hosts demonstration trials in Spain, to help clients with the marketing and commercialization of new products.
Extensive reach
SGS Spain has two field stations (in Malaga and Sevilla) plus established satellite stations in Lleida and Tenerife.
Our field trials service is also applicable for seed variety trials, and includes all kind of crops and cropping conditions. In addition, its precision farming services include soil, leaf, water sampling and analysis.
In co-operation with local partners, SGS is also now providing drone services to customers and varietal purity control using DNA analysis by molecular markers of crops.