COFCO to open new office in Winnipeg,Canada
China-based COFCO Agri announced Tuesday it will establish a new trading office for Canadian crops in Winnipeg,Canada.
“Canada is strategic; its importance in the world grain and oilseed market, its proximity to China and its long standing relationship with East Asia markets make it a natural area for us to develop our supply chains,” Matt Jansen, CEO of COFCO Agri Ltd. said in a brief statement. “At a time of tremendous demand pull from China, we see our new Canadian office as key to connecting Canadian farmers to the Chinese market.”
The statement said the new office will be open by the time of this year’s harvest.
COFCO Agri engages in agricultural trading and processing businesses, which it originates from surplus producing regions such as South America, South Africa, East Europe, North America and Australia, to supply regions with high demand such as China, Asia and the Middle East.
With its global supply chain, the statement said COFCO Agri can offer a full range of demand opportunities to Canadian farmers, with a first-step focus on canola seed, canola meal and canola oil, as well as wheat, barley, and soybeans.
“We think our business model will have significant appeal to Canadian farmers, as we work to bring our consumers bids straight to the farm gate,” added Kevin Brassington, Global Head, Grains & Oilseeds, COFCO Agri. “With our new office open by harvest time, we’ll work through existing supply chains—or develop new ones as the opportunities present themselves.”
Founded in 1949, state-owned COFCO is China’s leading service provider of agricultural products and diversified food services.