US EPA completed more registration decisions in FY 2015
The Office of Pesticide Program (OPP) of US EPA completed 2,111 registration decisions subject to the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) during FY’15 (ended September 30th, 2015), according to the report ‘Implementing the PRIA - Fiscal Year 2015’ published by EPA recently. FY’15 completions represent a 9% increase over the 1,931 decisions completed in FY’14. Among the FY’15 completed decisions, 319 (15% of total) were antimicrobial decisions, 154 (7%) biopesticide decisions, 960 (45.5%) conventional pesticide decisions, 56 (3%) inert clearances and 622 (29.5%) miscellaneous decisions. Table below titled “Number of PRIA Actions Completed in FY 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015” summarizes the number of decisions completed by each PRIA category and compares the first three years under PRIA 3 (FY’13, FY’14 & FY’15) with the last fiscal year under PRIA 2 (FY’12).
An additional 114 applications were withdrawn – a decrease from the number withdrawn in FY’14 (153 applications) and FY’13 (138). Rejected applications are not counted as completed decisions.
The EPA completed 98.4 percent of all decisions on or before their original or extended PRIA due date. In FY’15, 33 decisions (out of 2,111 completed decisions) were late. Decisions were typically delayed due to the need for additional time and data to address risk issues to ensure adequate protection of human health and the environment.
Due Date Extensions
Among the FY’15 completions, the EPA extended due dates for 324 decisions (15.3%) by mutual agreement with the applicant. The percentage of decisions completed with due date extensions decreased somewhat in FY’15 from FY’14 (15.3% vs 17.6%). Extensions generally were needed due to missing or deficient data, risk issues, late risk assessments, MRL harmonization issues, delays due to global/joint reviews, public participation process, public interest findings, late FIFRA/FFDCA publication, and issues requiring additional review and coordination with other agencies such as antibiotic resistance. In FY’15 the EPA extended due dates for 13.8%, 18.8%, and 23.9% of completed antimicrobial, biopesticide, and conventional decisions respectively, while in FY’14, the percentages we extended were 14.3%, 23.2% and 28.9% respectively.