Summit Agro USA launched KENJA® fungicide for used on strawberry
Strawberry growers can now get more berries to market – and to American consumers -- with a new product from Summit Agro USA. Applied through day of harvest, KENJA® fungicide (400 g/L isofetamid) fends off botrytis from the field to the packing house, ultimately extending the shelf life of freshly harvested strawberries.
"Being a 4th generation SDHi, there's nothing else like KENJA," says Wade Stewart, Vice President of Sales and Development. "It's a group 7 fungicide, but the chemistry – the actual molecule – is slightly different, not only minimizing resistance potential, but providing an extra 'kick' going into storage."
To maximize "sellable yield" in strawberries, a harvest day application is recommended. "On average, it can add two days to post harvest strawberries, leading to higher quality and greater sales," says Stewart. In addition to protecting strawberries, KENJA is also proven to control Sclerotinia spp. in lettuce and canola, botrytis in grapes and blossom blight in almonds.
"High value growers face a lot of challenges – right up to harvest and all the way to market," says Stewart," and that's where Summit Agro puts our focus. We're continually looking to introduce new products that address the challenges facing today's growers, including resistance and safety."
Sold exclusively through Tenkoz member companies and Helena Chemical Company, KENJA fungicide is marketed by Summit Agro USA LLC.