California approves Vestaron’s VST-006330-EP bioinsecticide
Vestaron Corporation, the leading developer of insect control products derived from naturally occurring peptides, recently announced that its VST-006330-EP biopesticide has received a product registration and master label from California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation. This follows last year’s registration with EPA and subsequent label expansion last month.
VST-006330-EP will be commercialized under the SPEAR™ trade name later this year. This product has been approved for the control of a variety of lepidopteran pests of high value crops, including cabbage, cucumber, onions, peppers and tomatoes. Additional registrations include field crops, commercial flowers and ornamentals.
“SPEAR products will bring to growers a new sustainable, environmentally compatible and effective crop protection solution,” said Vestaron CEO, John Sorenson.
The product’s active ingredient utilizes two new modes of action to control insects which will help delay the emergence of insect resistance. It also has a four-hour re-entry interval and zero-day post-harvest interval to maximize grower flexibility.